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o~~unity~ar~d E~onom~c Development Comittee <br />l=ebruary 1 , ~~~1 <br />Page ~ <br />Development staff reca~nmends favarably~ on the special exception. The tats! amount of <br />taxes to be paid during the -year period is estimated to be 1, Dag, ~ ~ to , ~ 4, 0~, <br />Paul ~. Meyer, Executive Director and s~lanagr of the South Bend Clinic made the <br />formal presentation. He Hated that the Clinic plans to add a three~story ~a4,0a grass <br />square ~aot addition to their exjsting medical fiacility; ~vhich was detailed to the Council in <br />an earlier meeting pith a power-paint presentation. The project would accan~modate <br />growth in new physicians by the Clinic and would replace and expand current <br />ambulatory surgical fiacilities. The project i estin7ated to cast between ~Q million to <br />3~ million. <br />Rich Deahl added in response to Council lVlen~ber Puzzella' inquiry that the legal <br />description was changed thus requiring a substitute bill. The location does Hat meet the <br />current business district boundaries therefore the special exception request i being <br />made. Taxes will be approximately aa,aa0 per year, Hating that the physicians are <br />the awner~ <br />Citizen ~len~ber 'Ullolfson complimented the petitioners on the thoroughness of their <br />answer on affirmative action. <br />Council president Rouse inquired about the TiF District to Dan Inks, noting that the <br />Council needs to see the TIF Districts an a map and that their impact needs to be <br />studied in light of carrying out the Council's fiduciary duties, <br />Illlr. Inks stated that TIF brought in approximately million. If there would Hat have <br />been TIF areas the overall tax rate of the city vuauld have been lower. He Hated that TlF <br />afl:ects the tax rate, as apposed to the tax levy. <br />Council l~ernber vllhite agreed with the comments of Council President Rouse and <br />suggested that a special meeting be called in the near future to discuss this topic in <br />detail. <br />Council Member Pfeifer suggested that such a meeting be the Committee of the Ullhale <br />a apposed to a ca~nmittee meeting. <br />Council lVler~bers ~Nhite and Rouse thanked the South Bend Clinic for their continuing <br />investment and commitment to the City of Bauch Bend <br />Council ll~ember ~uzzello, the District Council ~len~ber where the Routh Bend Clinic is <br />located noted that the Northeast Neighborhood has a tremendous need for the services <br />provided by the South Bend Clinic. <br />