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Communi~~r end ~ca~a~ic Deve~aprr~ent Comittee <br />i=ebr~ary ~ ~, ~DO~ <br />gage 4 <br />Bab l~athia of the Department of Community and I~conon~ic Development reviewed the <br />January ~, ~aa?multi-page report fram his department copy attached}. He noted that <br />the petitioner plans to construct a g8-unit, rnulti-family hauling project vuhich vuill have <br />an estimated cast of ~ ,g~ 3,~~. ~"atal taxes to be paid during the ~ g-year period are <br />estimated to be ~ ~g,~~; and the etir~ated taxes requested to be abated are <br />Bill Hallings~vorth of equal Development, LLC v~rith offices at ~~~1 Tradd Street in <br />Carmel, Indiana made the formal presentation. He noted that the project would be done <br />in phases and that the Hauling Assistance office of t. Joseph County would be <br />managing the project. <br />In response to a question from Dr, Varner, ~Ilrw Hoilingwarkh stated that there vtirould be <br />an extensive buffer to the residential area and that there would be an emergency <br />entrance far public safety. <br />In response to a question from Citizen lUlembr UVolfsan, it vuas Hated that the rent <br />utirou~ld range from $0 to g0 per month, depending on income. <br />Caancil lUlember uspa Hated that the proposed development ~vould be iacated in his <br />Councilmanic District. He believes itvuould bring life to this area and vuould be an asset <br />to the community, <br />Council 1~ernber Pu~zello made a rnatian, seconded by Council Member Illlhite that Bill <br />No. Dl-~ be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Substitute Bill ~~~ ~~- ~ ~- ear deal Pro ~'ax Abatement Re uet of <br />the youth Bend iinia, ~l~P~ youth Bend ~A~ I~P <br />and dd~y Property e~relopment, PLC for the <br />property iocated at ~~ ~ forth add Street <br />Council lUlen~br Dieter called far a presentation vn Substitute Bill Na~ g7~0 ~rhich is a <br />request of the South Bend Clinic far a -year real property tax abatement far the <br />property located at ~ ~ forth eddy Street, <br />Bab ll~athia of the Department of Community and canamic Develapn~ent reviewed the <br />January ~, ~00~ multi-page report fram his department copy attached}. He noted that <br />the petitioner is asking for a special exception because the application does Hat meet <br />the general standards far a real property tax abaterrjent. He added that discussions <br />tank place Frith the staff and the petitioner and that the Community & ~conamic <br />