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Community and Econoic ~avalopme~t C~~n~nit~ae <br />February ~, X00? <br />Pale 3 <br />Bill No. ~~-~8 ~- ear Personal Pro ~ Tax Ahatemer~t Re oast of ohafer <br />ear'Vl~orks lnc, for 4~'~~ Nitz Parka <br />Council Member Dieter called for presentation on Bill No. D7~ far a five ~b~ year <br />ersonal ra arty tax abatement request of Schafer Gear vlforks, Inc, located at ~47g~ <br />~ ~~ <br />Nit~tz Parkray. <br />Bill Schalliol of the Department of Community and Bconomic Development revievued the <br />Janus 15, ~~gl multi~page report from his department copy attached}. I-le noted that <br />rY <br />the cast of the nevu equipment « projected to be 843,og0, Total taxes pard over the ~~ <br />ear errod v~rould be ,~~~; and the an~aunt of taxes requested to be abated v~rould <br />y ~ ~, <br />be $51,~gi The report concluded that the petrtioner qual~f~e far the requested b-}rear <br />ersonal ra art tax abatement under Sectian -84~ addressing "Tangible Personal <br />p ~ ~ <br />Property Tax Abatement" of the au~~ ~erraf l~r~~cipal Code. <br />tanleLvr(/ J. Blenke, Executive 11ice~Preident of Schafer Gear vl~orks, Inc. made the <br />Y ~ <br />farrnal resenttion. Ile Hated that the company plans to purchase o ~~ pieces of <br />p <br />e u~ n~ent ~rh~ch consist of a gear gr~nd~ng machine ~vith autor~atran and a hob <br />q p <br />char ever. One {~~ neuv, permanent, full-time fob ~rould be created vuhrch ~rould have a <br />p <br />sale of 4,30; and the project uwrould assist in maintaining the 7 existing full-time <br />fobs v~hich have an annual payroll of $~,72~,~03. <br />U on uetionin by Council Member Pfeifer, it gas noted that Schafer Gear vllarks, <br />p q l <br />Inc. rnaved from the former Tepe~s locatian on Main Street to their current location on <br />imtz Park~va . Although jab goals have Hat arrays been met in the past due to <br />]r <br />outside rr~rket forces; Mr~ Blenke stated that he has "no doubt" that the nevwr hire v~ould <br />be hired. He added that the efficiency of the equipment in question and employment <br />retention is also critical to remain competitive. <br />Council MemberVl~hite made motion, seconded by Council Member Puzello that Bill <br />No. 07-8 be recommended favorably to Cauncil. The motian passed. <br />Bill ~Vo~ ~~=~9 ~ D- ear Read Pro art Tax Abateet Re oast of Prairie <br />art~nents ~leusin Partners LP for the l~aoat ~and'~Ilest of <br />Brr~o~s Pizza on the south side of Paairie Arrenue <br />Council Member Dieter called far presentation on Bill No. 079 uwrhich is a request for <br />a 0- ear real property tax abatement request of Prairie Apartments I~lousir~ Partners, <br />~ y ~ <br />LP to be located on the vacant land immediately vuest of Bruna~s Pizza on the south <br />side of Praire Avenue vest of Locust Load and east of the by-pass. <br />