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Comaunity and ~ca~a~nic ~e~e~~~ent ~or~mittee <br />February ~ ~, ~~~~ <br />Page ~ <br />Council l~resjdent Rouse suggested that new section be added to the ordinance <br />which would address the concerns raised that the Council would be contacted <br />periodically and that the Council would receive a copy of their report~s~, <br />llll. Fanella stated that she would see that a substitute bill would be ready far this <br />evenings meeting. <br />Council lUlember Ill~hite rude a motion, seconded by Council IVlember Pu~zelly that Bill <br />IVo. ~S~~l as to be amended by a substitute bill be recommended favorably to Council= <br />The motion passed. <br />Bili Ida. ~7-~~ - ear Residentiai Real Pro a Tax A~~a~eme~ Re oast of <br />SFi1LDl Par~nersi far ~3Q ~2 ~3~8 aid ~ ~a~ Court <br />Council Nlernber Dieter called far a presentation an Bill No. ~l-~~ which i a request b <br />1=11L~1 Parknersl~ip to declare ~a, ~~, 8 and ~~ ~a~ Court as residentially <br />distressed areas for purposes of a #year residential real property tax abatement. <br />Bill Schallivl of the Department of Camrnunity and Economic Development reviewed the <br />January ~, ~Q~~ multiWpage report from his department ~capy attached}. Ike Hated that <br />the properties in question are located in Southfield Subdivision, Section ~~ The total <br />price of the project is estimated to be 1~~~~~~~ The report concluded that the <br />petitioner qualifies for the requested 5~year residential real property tax abatement <br />under Section ~-11.1 addressing "Single Farily Residential Construction" of the ou~~ <br />~e~d ~lur~icipa! o~'e. <br />Richard J ~ Deahl, of Barnes & Thvrr~burg, LLP with offices located at OD North <br />Michigan in downtown South Bend nude the formal presentation, He noted that the <br />proposed faur~4} single-family villalcondorninium units would range in value from <br />~ a,~~~ to ~4a,000, The area that they would b constructed on is a small col-de~ <br />sac and with the abatement it would assist in marketing them <br />In response to a question from Council IVlen~ber Dieter, IUIr, Deahl stated that it maytake <br />up to a year to move the properties, Hating that they are located in Centre Township <br />with a 5,1 °lo tax rate. <br />Dr. Varner Hated that almost all of the recent residential development in the south end <br />of the city has received residential tax abatement consideration, <br />Council 11~ember Pu~~ello rr~ade a motion, seconded by Council ll~rnber 1hite that Bill <br />No. ~1-~`~ be recommended favorably to Council. The nnotion passed. <br />