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C. Bill 05-135- Approving a Zoning Appeal for Property Located at the <br /> Southeast Corner of Fellow Streets and Haney Avenue also known as 1503, <br /> 1504, 1507, 1508, 1511 and 1512 Hermosa. <br /> The Committee Chair called for a presentation of Bill 05-135. Mr. Robert Palm, surveyor, <br /> with offices in New Carlisle,Indiana appeared as representative of owner David Lantine. Mr.Palm <br /> stated that the area contained two single family residences which have been in existence since 1923. <br /> The purpose is to subdivide the two lots so that they can be sold into six separate lots with six <br /> homes. The owner seeks a special exemption designation MF 1 for single family residences. <br /> Originally, the area was spot zoned, but is surrounded by single family residences. Mr. Don Fozo <br /> said that the BZA approved the variance contingent on the special exception being granted and the <br /> special exception was approved three to one by the BZA <br /> No member of the public spoke for or against Bill 05-135 and Council Member Kirsits <br /> moved to send the Bill to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. The motion was <br /> seconded by Council Member Rouse and passed unanimously. <br /> D. Bill No.05-136 Special Exception for 2335 Shields Drive to Erect Ambient <br /> Air Monitoring Station. <br /> City Engineer Carl Littrell stated that the property subject to the Special Exception for <br /> Utilities and Variance is owned by the City of South Bend. He explained that the City's acquisition <br /> of this property was complex and involved the creation of the driveway known as Shields Drive <br /> which serves as access to the Army Reserve Center and to the University of Notre Dame's catalog <br /> warehouse. The special use and utilities exception will allow the move onto this premises of an air <br /> monitor trailer. Mr. Littrell then introduced Steve Lunwick of the Indiana Department of <br /> Environmental Management(IDEM)with offices at 100 North Senate Avenue,Indianapolis,Indiana. <br /> Mr.Lunwick stated that the current monitor site is located at the corner of Angela and Eddy <br /> and that this site must be moved due to construction and renovation by the University of Notre <br /> Dame. Mr. Lunwick explained that the monitor measures for ozone and that the data from this <br /> station is used by City, County and State governments to determine the air quality standards of the <br /> area. According to Mr. Lunwick, PM 2.5 and ozone are two important measures taken from this <br /> monitor. St. Joseph County has achieved attainment of PM 2.5, but not ozone; and the data <br /> collected should help prove that St.Joseph County is achieving its ozone standard requirements. The <br /> data is also used to do forecasting for ozone action days and MACOG uses it for air quality <br /> standards. An air monitoring station requires open space without obstruction to make the data <br /> reliable. The proposed site is good because it is hard to find space within the City that is open. Mr. <br /> Lunwick circulated photographs of the current monitor station. <br /> Board Member Kirsits asked whether the monitor to be erected would be exactly as shown <br /> in the photograph and Mr. Lunwick replied that it would. Ms. Puzzello asked about the height of <br /> the trailer and the fence. Mr.Lunwick stated that both were six feet high. Ms. Puzzello then asked <br /> whether there could be shrubs as high as the fence and Mr. Lunwick responded that the reason for <br /> Page 4 <br />