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Council Member Dieter asked whether the Bill could be amended to delete the provision <br /> regarding parking and Attorney DeRose said that this could be done. Mr. Dieter also said that he <br /> received a letter from Attorney James Masters which bears consideration. Council Member Kirsits <br /> also stated that he was impressed with Mr.Masters'letter which says the residents are upset generally <br /> with vehicles parked in front yards but that the process currently in effect does not work and a new <br /> approach is needed. <br /> Council Member Puzzello said that her problem was not just the issue of parking on lawns, <br /> but that if the front lawn portion of the Bill is omitted or deleted, there will be repercussions <br /> throughout the City. Council Member Rouse stated that the Council wished to have an Ordinance <br /> that prohibits parking on front lawns,but which is enforceable. Council Member White noted that <br /> we have a solid, strong, enforceable Ordinance which needs to be supported. She added that there <br /> are so many issues under this Bill that it may be preferable to refer it back to the Zoning Committee. <br /> Council President Pfeifer said that she was concerned with selective, discriminatory enforcement. <br /> The City always requires adequate parking by those who host events within the City. Ms. Pfeifer <br /> believes that Notre Dame does have adequate parking for football fans and that fans choose not to <br /> park in designated area. Allowing parking in front lawns encourages non-use of official parking <br /> sites. According to Ms. Pfeifer it is unwise to give the appearance of special rules for special <br /> neighborhoods. Council Member Kelly agreed that a parking ban should apply uniformly throughout <br /> the City. City Attorney Leone reminded the Council that the Zoning Code as interpreted by Judge <br /> Gotsch now permits parking on lawns City wide, which is not a good thing. Member Krisits said <br /> that the idea of a special permit as contained in the letter of Jim Masters makes sense. He also added <br /> that because it's now wintertime, there will not be parking on lawns and he questioned the current <br /> enforcement procedure. Attorney Leone responded that the City enforces the no parking ban by <br /> ticketing and by injunctive relief against owners who violate the Ordinance habitually. Council <br /> Member Dieter stated that the Council needs more time to work on this and he moved to table the <br /> Council's consideration of Bill 47-05 to the Board's meeting of January 23, 2006. The motion was <br /> seconded by Member Rouse and passed unanimously. <br /> Thereafter, the Council discussed the effect of Indiana law upon Zoning Code amendments <br /> and the requirement that the legislative body act within 90 days of Area Plan Commission decision <br /> making. Attorney DeRose said that she did not know the answer to this question but would find the <br /> answer before the evening Council's 7:00 p.m. meeting. City Engineer Littrell stated that if the <br /> Council fails to act on a Zoning Code amendment,it becomes effective after the passage of 90 days. <br /> Because of this,the Committee was concerned that Bill 47-05 would become effective despite their <br /> concern with it. The Committee then resolved to send the Bill to the full Council with no <br /> recommendation so that if Council action was required to avoid the default effectiveness of the <br /> Ordinance, the Council would have the option to reject Bill 47-05 in full or in part. <br /> B. Presentation of Bill No. 65-05. <br /> Committee Chair Kuspa noted that this Bill was placed on the Council's agenda in error and <br /> that it would not be considered at Committee or at the full Council meeting. <br /> Page 3 <br />