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the exception is to avoid shrubs. He noted that the area is a parking lot. Council Member Varner <br /> asked why Notre Dame needed to move. Mr.Lunwick stated that IU owns part of the land and that <br /> Notre Dame wishes to acquire all of the current site for use as an arboretum for its fine arts center. <br /> Council Member Varner asked whether the data results would change in moving the monitor <br /> from a field to a parking lot,and also whether the City would be penalized if ozone goals are not met <br /> due to unreliability of data. <br /> Mr. Lunwick responded that two other monitor sites exist and both are located on parking <br /> lots, i.e., at Navarre and La Salle Intermediate schools. Mr. Varner stated that his concern was for <br /> CO2 emissions from vehicles and that results might be skewed if the monitor is in a parking area. <br /> Mr. Lunwick said that the controlling site for ozone monitoring is located in Granger, and that's the <br /> site which will determine ozone attainment. <br /> Ms. Pfeifer asked if there would be a fence surrounding the monitor trailer on its new site. <br /> Mr.Lunwick said there would be,but there will be no greenery. Mr.Littrell also confirmed that the <br /> entire parcel of land on which this monitor is to be placed is owned by the City. <br /> Don Fozo informed the Committee that the BZA heard this petition on November 17, 2005 <br /> and granted the variance to delete screening. It also voted in favor of re-zoning. <br /> Mr. Kirsits said he had received only one letter in opposition and that it was a good fit for <br /> this area. Mr. Kirsits moved to send the Bill to full Council with a favorable recommendation, <br /> seconded by Mr. Rouse, which passed unanimously. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, Committee Chair Kuspa <br /> adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Ery Kuspa, Chairperson <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> AMD/cw <br /> Attachments <br /> Page 5 <br />