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Council President Pfeifer made the presentation. She noted that the budget includes the 18% <br /> self-insurance cost increase as well as the mandated increases for PERF. The 2% increase was <br /> used legal services. She noted that she continued to budget for a 1/2 position for next year for a <br /> Council secretary. She noted that no Council Members responded to her email setting forth the <br /> City Clerk's proposal on this position. <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney then provided a multi-page "Council Attorney <br /> Annual Report" (copy attached) which she noted summarizes key legal services provided to the <br /> Council this year. She stated that she has also included several "performance review" forms in <br /> light of discussions held earlier this year and urged the Council to review them so that a process <br /> could be completed before the end of the year. She added that she also was attaching to the <br /> annual report copies of the four (4) pamphlets which she developed in conjunction with the <br /> Council addressing Council procedures, tax abatement, zoning and the Standing Committees of <br /> the Council; and that the City's Print Shop had printed enough copies of this year's spiral-bound <br /> Council brochure for the Council which she has provided to the Council President, along with <br /> one for this Committee meeting(copy attached). <br /> Controller's Department of Administration&Finance (General Fund# 101-0401) <br /> 2006 Expenditures $1,636,200 <br /> 2006 Decrease $7,361,005 -81.8%* <br /> Capital to be determined in February 2006 <br /> City Controller M. Catherine Fanello made the presentation. She noted that professional <br /> services and postage have been reduced; and that the merit bonus system has been eliminated. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired about the IT Division and the status of the City's website. <br /> Ms. Fanello stated that after the budget process is completed that the City's website will be her <br /> # 1 priority. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Kuspa, Ms. Fanello stated that Sagamore is the <br /> lobbyist in Washington,D.C., and that they are affiliated with Baker&Daniels. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired whether they have offices in Indiana,to which no one had an answer. <br /> Legal Department (General Fund# 101-0501) <br /> 2006 Expenditures $887,906 <br /> 2006 Increase $ 20,916 2.4% <br /> City Attorney Charles Leone made the presentation. He noted that salaries are proposed at the <br /> 2% recommended rate, and that all other line-items are in keeping with the City's budget <br /> guidelines. He noted that his department is now utilizing an electronic method of accessing data <br /> on a contractual basis at$27 per month per lawyer. <br /> In response to a question from Council President Pfeifer, Mr. Leone noted that each attorney is <br /> assigned to work in specific areas and that they do overlap to cover when an attorney is absent <br /> from the office. <br /> August 23,2005 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeing Minutes <br /> -page 4- <br />