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Human Rights Commission (General Fund# 101-1008) <br /> 2006 Expenditures $287,636 <br /> 2006 Increase $ 1,467 0.5% <br /> Human Rights Commission (Fund#258-1008) <br /> Equal Employment Opportunity (Federally Funded) <br /> 2006 Revenue $104,300 0% <br /> 2006 Expenditures $ 72,638 <br /> Department of Housing& Urban Development Fund <br /> (Federally Funded) (Fund#258-1009) <br /> 2006 Revenue $103,000 -8.85% <br /> 2006 Expenditures $116,801 4.5% <br /> Human Rights Director Lonnie Douglas made the presentation. He noted that the Hearing <br /> Officer has been moved from the General Fund and is now in Fund #258-1009, which is <br /> federally funded. He anticipates close to the same amount of federal funding as has been <br /> received this year. Personnel increases are proposed at 2%. Training in Washington, D.C. is <br /> mandatory for two (2) session with a 3rd session beginning this Fall. Education and training in <br /> Fund#258-1009 has been reduced from$10,000 to $6,844. <br /> Council President Pfeifer questioned the proposed reduction in the education & training <br /> line-item, and was surprised that there is not more for education. <br /> Mr. Douglas stated that that line-item is used to fund the "Human Rights Awareness &Awards" <br /> banquet which is held in April. He noted that HUD requires one (1)major event to be held each <br /> year. There have been 10-12 trainings to date this year. He noted that sponsors can also be <br /> found for such efforts. <br /> Council Member Pi'zzello inquired about the amount of money raised from fines. <br /> Mr. Douglas stated that their goal is to"make everyone whole"; and thus focus on education and <br /> training. They are proactive in this regard. There was one fine 5-6 years ago for$1,500. <br /> Council President Pfeifer requested a status update. <br /> Mr. Douglas noted that violations in the housing area involving race and sex are occurring. His <br /> office partners with a group from southwestern Michigan to address such discrimination. They <br /> also partner with EEOC for day-long training sessions which will be held this Fall and will focus <br /> on women and the disabled and their housing needs and rights. <br /> Council President Pfeifer noted that in light of the growing number of elderly, is there a growing <br /> trend of age discrimination. <br /> Mr. Douglas stated that there is a federal law prohibiting age discrimination, however there is <br /> not a state or local law. His office keeps statistics in this area and believes that there have been <br /> about 300 age discrimination cases this year,all of which have been referred to EEOC. <br /> August 23,2005 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeing Minutes <br /> -page 5- <br />