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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />September 5, 2012 <br />Page 3 <br />tracked manually. Council Member Scott recommended that electronic scheduling and <br />monitoring of overtime would improve efficiencies. <br />Council Member Henry Davis, Jr. noted that "crime is crime" and inquired whether the police <br />department has a sabbatical program for officers in light of the "intensity of the job ". He noted <br />that they are high stress jobs and that the City should foster programs which address mental <br />health. <br />Chief Horvath stated that the currently "officers do not have the ability to take sabbaticals" He <br />added that high incidents result in the department "giving whatever time the officers needs ", with <br />crisis intervention counseling, being sent to the hospital, etc. <br />Council Member Davis further inquired as to whether the police department has ever considered <br />terminating its relationship with Metro Homicide Unit (MHU) since South Bend is large enough <br />to have their own. He also inquired about the morale of the officers, use of SROs and the <br />perceptions which persons have. He noted that Fort Wayne pays about $5,400 additional to <br />individual senior officers to work midnights to help mentor and train rookie officers. <br />Chief Horvath indicated the MHU has had great success over its more than ten (10) years. The <br />team concept works well especially for investigations. Most of the officers work between 6 am <br />to 11 pm. The department pays a very modest shift differential. <br />Due to time restraints, Council President Dieter stated that he would hold his questions until a <br />future meeting since he has several. <br />Council Member White requested that if the Council Members needed more information that <br />they contact the City Controller and herself so that the Chief could be ready to address additional <br />concerns as the Committee continues to review the proposed budget. She added that she did not <br />recall a reference to "drug monies" in the past being used to buy capital equipment items, and <br />would appreciate more information on that and the process used, as well as a detailed <br />presentation on public safety LOIT, and other police items. <br />Police Pension Proposed 2013 Budget $6,929,133 Proposed Expenditures <br />-2% Variance 2012 -2013 <br />Fund No. 702 pp. 964 -968 Police Department <br />Police Pension Secretary Don Pinckert made the presentation. He noted that he was a retired <br />South Bend Police Officer and then served as the Director of Police Financial Services for the <br />past 24- years, and retired from that position about a month ago. He noted that the police and fire <br />departments' pension program work essentially the same way. Mr. Pinckert provided a multi - <br />page 2013 Pension Budget (copy attached) <br />