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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />September 5, 2012 <br />Page 4 <br />Police has two (2) pension plans the old plan which is the 1925 Pension Plan and covers retired <br />police officers, widows /widowers and dependents from 1925 until March 31, 1977; and the new <br />plan which covers retired police officers, widows /widowers and dependents from April 1, 1977. <br />The new plan is paid entirely by the State of Indiana. There was a conversion period which paid <br />$10,000 per officers to convert. 105 or 240 officers converted. <br />In response to an inquiry from Council Member Schey, Mr. Pinckert noted that under the old <br />plan monies are reimbursed by the state, %2 in June and %2 in October following the monies being <br />fronted by the City. Under the old plan, there are: <br />157 police retirees 81 widows and dependents 238 total <br />Under the DROP program, an officer is required to give 12 to 36 month notice. 32 years is the <br />maximum. There are no officers who signed up for DROP effective 2013; in 2014 three (3) <br />officers have given notice. <br />Next year's budget reflects a decrease of about $90,000 from this year as a result of eighteen (18) <br />retired officers passing away. Pension benefits for each widow is about $7,000 less on the base <br />pension amount then what they were receiving when their retired police husband was alive. <br />Pension amounts are based on one -half (1/2) of the first class patrol officer's salary, with a <br />maximum of 74% possible based on each additional six (6) months of service. <br />Based on these figures, knowing that police labor negotiations are ongoing, an increase of up to <br />three percent (3 %) on the base would not increase the budget. <br />Mr. Pinckert emphasized that the pension plans are all based on laws passed by the Indiana <br />General Assembly. He added that police officers and firefighters do not pay social security, and <br />unless they reach the required defined years by other employment, they do not qualify for these <br />benefits. <br />Council Member White thanked everyone for the information about the proposed police budgets, <br />noting that additional questions will require a 2nd meeting time with this department to be set. <br />South Bend Fire Department Proposed 2013 Budget $20,334,056 Proposed Expenditures <br />-2.7% Variance 2012 -2013 <br />Fund No. 101 -0901 pp. 835 -846 Fire Department <br />Fund No. 101 -0905 pp. 847 -851 Fire LOIT <br />Fire Chief Steve Cox made the formal presentation utilizing 8- screen power -point (copy <br />attached) which summarized the South Bend Fire Departments' Mission Statement, 2012 <br />Accomplishments, 2013 Key Initiatives, Key Performance Indicators, and Food for thought <br />