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Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting <br />September 5, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />Dame will be utilizing the 13+ frequencies. The beat car laptops have become each officer's <br />mobile office. He noted that the downtown camera system can be accessed from the beat cars, <br />the downtown PD office, etc. Six (6) additional 4 -hour Patrols and weekend patrols to work on <br />ND weekends, the East Race and near the downtown are being addressed to increase efficiencies. <br />Data has been consolidated from 8 -9 series to two (2), and are maintained off -site, with this <br />project being funded last year. <br />Chief Horvath stated that Part 1 Crimes reflect a decrease of 17% which is the largest decrease in <br />many years. <br />The department would like to create public /private partnerships where video feeds from banks <br />and schools could be captured. They are working with IBM on real time intelligence. The <br />$55,000 expenditure on the Communications System upgrade was a well- needed capital <br />expenditure. The department is proposing a high tech forensic crime lab so that information can <br />be pulled from Ipads, thumb drives, computers, etc. <br />Chief Horvath stated that last year the overtime budget was decreased by $160,000. The OT <br />account is proposed for $218,000 next year. Fuel is paid by COIT $$ and the $10 per month <br />deduction from each officer's paycheck who has an assigned vehicle. Items such as SWAT vests <br />which cost approximately $2,400 each are paid from non - reverting funds. Grants continue to be <br />pursued. <br />Dr. Varner suggested that the Police Athletic League (PAL) consider partnering with the KROC <br />Center in light of the City's monetary contribution to that facility. Chief Horvath thought that <br />would be an excellent idea for the winter months, with Washington High School facilities used <br />during the Summer currently. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Ferlic, Mr. Glowacki stated that part of the police operations <br />proposed reflect an increase of 1.8 %. Stimulus monies of $800,000 were available for three (3) <br />years and require the budgeted departmental strength to be at 260 sworn officers. It was noted <br />that in 2009, the Administration had recommended a potential cut of 37 officers, which were <br />avoided due to other cost - saving and budget- cutting measures. <br />In response to a question raised by Council Member Schey, it was noted that last year the City <br />had five (5) homicides and currently South Bend has had eight (8) or nine (9). 2011 was an <br />unusually low year, with the range for homicides being 14 -26 annually. <br />In response to a question poised by Council Member Scott, Chief Horvath indicated that there <br />are seven (7) remote cameras in the downtown which are not routinely monitored. There is no <br />money proposed in the budget for personnel for such monitoring. He added that air cards have <br />been delivered, additional fire walls are being created and the are working with Verizon. 200 <br />cards are budgeted. Most of the laptops were purchased utilizing grant monies. Overtime is still <br />