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W \ a i <br />�:�►; <br />` Personnel and Finance Committee <br />2012 South Bend Common Council <br />The September 5, 2012 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee of the South Bend <br />Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member Karen L. White at <br />4:37 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting Room, 4th Floor County -City Building, downtown <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Gavin Ferlic, Henry Davis, Jr., Dr. David <br />Varner, Karen L. White, Dr. Fred Ferlic, Tim Scott, Valerie Schey, and Council President Derek <br />D. Dieter; Personnel and Finance Committee citizen member Tamara McNally, City Controller <br />Mark Neal, Director of Finance John Murphy, Director of City Finance Rahman Johnson, <br />Human Resources Director Janice Hall, Police Pension Secretary Don Pinckert, Uniform <br />Division Police Chief Jeff Walters, Service Police Chief Gary Horvath, Director of Police <br />Financial Services Ken Glowacki, Patrick Kottkamp, IAFF Local 362 President; Chris Baker, <br />IAFF Local 362; Vice - President Assistant Chief of Staff Katherine Roos, Fire Chief Steve Cox, <br />Assistant Fire Chief /Services Todd Skwarcan, Assistant Fire Chief/Operations Jim Lopez, Fire <br />Marshal /Inspection & Prevention Federico Rodriguez, Fire Pension Secretary Christian Rose, <br />unidentified residents, support staff and Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member White welcomed everyone to the 5th budget session on the proposed 2013 civil <br />city budget. She apologized for the late start, noting that there was a prior meeting. <br />City Controller Mark Neal noted that Interim Police Chief Charles Hurley was unable to be <br />present today due to a scheduling conflict. <br />South Bend Police Department Proposed 2013 Budget $23,747,349 Proposed Expenditures <br />-5.7% Variance 2012 -2013 <br />Fund No. 101 -0801 pp. 805 -824 Police Department <br />Fund No. 101 -0802 pp. 825 -829 Communications <br />Fund No. 101 -0805 pp. 830 -834 Police LOIT <br />Service Police Chief Gary Horvath made the formal presentation utilizing 11- screen power -point <br />(copy attached) which summarized the South Bend Police Departments' Mission Statement, <br />2012 Goals and Objectives, 2012 Accomplishments, 2013 Key Initiatives, Key Performance <br />Indicators, Budget Comments, Budget Insight, Opportunities and Challenges. He noted that he <br />was a 2nd generation police officer in South Bend and that they emphasize `home grown" <br />officers. <br />Chief Horvath noted that with the 800 Mhz upgrades that all police officers this weekend who <br />work the Notre Dame home football game will be able to communicate to one another. The <br />officers working for South Bend, Mishawaka, St. Joseph County and the University of Notre <br />