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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> find a coordinated approach. This is not something that can stand alone in a silo. I've seen too <br /> many communities where a restorative justice program gets started and it struggles, and it lives on <br /> the margin and it dies due to the lack of stable support. I'm committed to the notion that, if we are <br /> going to do this in South Bend,we need to really do it well. So,what you have in front of you,this <br /> resolution lays out the connection between restorative justice and public safety. It talks a little bit <br /> about restorative justice as an evidence-based and trauma-informed approach. It suggests we have <br /> a vision for a coordinated approach that would be sustainable and supportable. We would like to <br /> start with a one (1) year pilot. <br /> Cathy Streeter, 20608 Johnson Road, stated, I am the Restorative Justice Coordinator at Jefferson <br /> Middle School. I'm the chair of the District team and the liaison for the District for restorative <br /> justice. This is a perfect example of a community partnership. I've been partnering with Susan, <br /> I've been partnering with IUSB and teaching as an adjunct there and managing restorative practice <br /> in my classroom. We have people in our District team from neighborhood centers. We have <br /> professors from Notre Dame and it is quite the group of partners. We've come together because of <br /> the community. All the seeds have been planted in the community that last eight(8) years and they <br /> are really coming to fruition. People are calling for this. We held an event at Robinson Community <br /> Center in January and we had forty (40) people come in a snow storm, including our Deputy <br /> Superintendent. We were all there to see how we can come together for the good of the children <br /> and how we could come together for the community as a whole because it's not just about children. <br /> It is about all people being in a good relationship. If you want to talk to me about school safety, I <br /> will talk to you about people that belong and know their sense of belonging. It is very hard to teach <br /> a child without a friend. So, the first (1St) level at the school of restorative justice is community <br /> building, good relationships and forming connections with each other. We've done the same thing <br /> in our District team. We've built relationships and have formed connections with each other. <br /> Nobody misses a meeting. They want to come and be in this type of relationship, as principals and <br /> District leaders, to talk about how to be better together and change the paradigm shift. <br /> She continued,But,it is counter-cultural. So,to do this kind of work,we have to have a community <br /> hub. It's not a program. When I started at Jefferson, it takes three (3) to five (5) years and this is <br /> only the second (2°d) year. It is so counter-cultural. It's not a program where you can just roll out <br /> a manual and say start Monday. It is something you have to do by building and developing <br /> relationships. So, we are very excited about this because this proposal has been called for by the <br /> community, asked for, and developed with a group of community members over several months <br /> since that January meeting. It rolled out of that. Weekly meetings have happened, and we ask for <br /> your support from the City to prevent violence. <br /> Ms. Sharp stated, The traction we've gained by working together in getting restorative justice <br /> implemented in schools,Cathy is the only full-time Restorative Justice Coordinator in the District, <br /> but there are several schools that are implementing the practices to the extent that they can. As <br /> we've done this work, the people in the schools have been very clear in saying that we've got to <br /> have this work done in concert with the community. As we meet with community members who <br /> are interested in supporting this,they are saying the same thing and saying we have to partner with <br /> the schools. As Cathy just said, the work in the schools, we've learned, needs to start with <br /> establishing a foundation. A community building foundation that teaches values, approaches, <br /> builds a sense of connection and invites people to think about what it means to be a just community. <br /> And, that has been very successful in the schools that are doing it. We need to echo that in the <br /> community, as well. So, that is where the pilot project gets involved. It is training community <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION ; EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 111)574.235.5567 <br /> 3 <br />