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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> members to do community building circles, much like what we've done in the schools, but for <br /> community members.We want to train those people and support them while they go out and extend <br /> that work in their neighborhoods. We hope it anchors the work in the community. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston stated, Just to skip ahead, page four (4) talks more about the <br /> pilot and a suggested timeline. What we are asking the Council to do is support this with a <br /> resolution. What we will be working on is partnerships,not just with the City,but Notre Dame and <br /> the schools, to see how this can roll out. This is just a suggestion at this point in terms of what we <br /> hope it looks like. What it will also require is an appropriation, from Council, so we can get this <br /> started this fall. I think this is listed in here as well.We'll stop the presentation there to move along. <br /> Committeemember Eli Cantu arrived at the meeting at 5:05 p.m. <br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, Looking at the timeline, you and others will be asking that <br /> the Administration would appropriate dollars from the current budget,because the new budget we <br /> are working on is for 2020. So, you are looking for monies to come out of some source for the <br /> summer of 2019? <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston replied, Yes, exactly. <br /> Councilmember White followed up,And that would be a one(1) time thing? <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston replied, It would be a one (1) time thing for a year-long pilot <br /> program. As we roll that out, we are looking for support from Council Members but also for you <br /> to review it and give your ideas and thoughts.Then, as we are creating the budget,for the following <br /> year of course, we will be thinking about how we can put this in place. So, the pilot would be an <br /> opportunity to learn more about how this works and get additional feedback from community <br /> members and partners. As we do that, we also want to think about appropriating some money in <br /> the 2020 budget and how we can move that forward. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis clarified, So, following up on Councilmember White's question, <br /> there is the first (1st) need for this in 2019. So, would that be $60,000 from now until the end of <br /> the year? <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston stated, It is $142,000, September to September. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis followed up, So, parts of that will be on this year's budget and parts of <br /> that will be on next year's budget? <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston replied, That is right. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis followed up, You see what I'm saying that would have to be that kind <br /> of concept. <br /> Committee Chair Williams-Preston stated, I've also had a conversation with Superintendent Dr. <br /> Cummings in terms of partnerships with the City and how something like this might fit into the <br /> School-City compact agreement. The school will also take on some of that financial responsibility <br /> for doing this work, as well. Again, it's all on the table to have these conversations. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 1TD574.235.5567 <br /> 4 <br />