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REGULAR MEETING April 8, 2019 <br /> are Single-Family homes zoned SF-Two (2). Currently on the site are two (2) Single-Family <br /> homes. The site plan shows the development of six (6) attached Single-Family homes. Parking <br /> would be located in garages to the rear of the homes. The development would need to meet the <br /> development standards of the MF-One (1), Urban Corridor and Multi-Family District, as well as <br /> the Northeast Neighborhood Overlay Zoning District. The petitioners are proposing the following <br /> written commitments. The project area shall be limited to a total of six(6) Single-Family attached <br /> dwelling units. This rezoning comes to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation, <br /> subject to this written commitment. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. <br /> Mike Danch, Danch, Harrier & Associates with offices located at 1643 Commerce Drive, South <br /> Bend, IN, served as the petitioner for this bill. Mr. Danch stated, I am representing the petitioners, <br /> the University of Notre Dame and Shamrock Realty LLC. As Shawn mentioned, and what we <br /> talked about in the Committee meeting, what we are asking to do is to rezone this property from <br /> SF-Two (2) to MF-One(1) to allow for Single-Family homes. The intent is to put each home that <br /> you see here (referencing a slide in the presentation) on a lot. We will go through the City's <br /> subdivision process as well to create individual lots. The site is located on the southwest corner of <br /> Almond Court and Notre Dame Avenue. As we had discussed, there is a paper alley that is to the <br /> west of this particular site. We will be taking that alley and will improve that to make it part of our <br /> driveways. Our access will be off of Almond Court. All the homes will be facing Notre Dame <br /> Avenue. They will be hooked up to City water and sewer. All drainage will be handled on site per <br /> the latest City's standards. We also gave Council a copy of the written commitments. Those were <br /> also the commitments we have with the neighborhood. We will be recording those, assuming the <br /> Council approves this particular project. The one(1) commitment Shawn mentioned, we will also <br /> record that commitment as part of our process of approval with the City of South Bend, the Area <br /> Plan Commission and the Building Department. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Please explain what happened today with you and the church. <br /> Matt Dasalvo, 52 Dawn Harbor Lane, Riverside, CT, stated, I lived on the property as a senior at <br /> the University and have known this area for some thirty-five (35) plus years. Today, I met with <br /> Pastor Thomas, the head of Olivet Church and her their Board of Trustees to explain the project <br /> we are going to do. We went over the whole project. I thought it went very well and they <br /> appreciated the communication given to them. They are quite pleased with this project. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, That's always good to hear. Thank you. <br /> Greg Hakanen, 415 Main Building, Notre Dame, IN, stated, I'm with the University. I'm really <br /> here in two (2) capacities, though. I'm also a representative and Board Member of the NNRO. So, <br /> my comments really come from both of those organizations. Our collective vision for this <br /> particular block, if you go back ten(10)or twelve(12)years was Single-Family detached housing, <br /> a continuation of which you see farther up Notre Dame Avenue,and the vision was it would extend <br /> all the way to downtown South Bend. Since then,three(3) different apartment projects have risen, <br /> so, this changed the character of the block. This project, we believe, both the University and the <br /> NNRO, fits in very well with the current character of the block. We think it will be a large <br /> improvement to the built landscape on this block. With the restrictions, the most important one(1) <br /> to us, is if the unit is bought by someone who wants their undergraduate student to live there, that <br /> is fine, but no other unrelated undergraduate students can live in a unit. That is important to us to <br /> preserve the residential character of the neighborhood. So, we ask for your favorable <br /> recommendation. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bills, proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. There were none. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to send Bill No. 06-19 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Councilmember Karen White seconded this motion which carried by <br /> a voice vote of nine(9) ayes. <br /> RISE AND REPORT <br /> 4 <br />