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REGULAR MEETING April 8, 2019 <br /> Councilmember John Voorde stated, Congratulations on your hard work and your achievement. I <br /> imagine a lot of the credit goes to the parents as well for their involvement as well as the principle <br /> and the staff there. Keep at it and keep working, summer vacation is only a couple of months off. <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic stated, Congratulations. <br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, I would like to thank Councilmember Davis for bringing this <br /> resolution before us and to the principal and teacher,job well done. To the young students, hard <br /> work does pay off. We are so very proud of you. We expect great outcomes and I know you can't <br /> wait until summer is here, but remember during the summer, keep reading and studying. <br /> Congratulations. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated,Thank you Councilmember Davis for bringing this forth. Thank <br /> you all for coming. We are proud of you. It is great that we can highlight positive things in the <br /> education of our community. Thank you so much. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bills, proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. There were none. <br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to adopt Bill No. 19-32 by acclamation. <br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka seconded this motion which carried by a roll call vote of nine (9) <br /> ayes. <br /> REPORTS OF CITY OFFICES <br /> Representing the City Administration: Laura O'Sullivan, Chief of Staff <br /> RESOLVE INTO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br /> At 7:15 p.m. Councilmember Karen White made a motion to resolve into the Committee of the <br /> Whole. Councilmember Gavin Ferlic seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine <br /> (9) ayes. Councilmember John Voorde, Chairperson, presiding. <br /> Councilmember John Voorde explained the procedures to be followed for tonight's meeting in <br /> accordance with Article 1, Section 2-11 of the South Bend Municipal Code. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> BILL NO. <br /> 06-19 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE <br /> AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR <br /> PROPERTY LOCATED AT 629, 705, AND 713 <br /> NORTH NOTRE DAME AVENUE, <br /> COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT NO. 4 IN THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis, chair of the Zoning and Annexation Committee, reported that they <br /> met this afternoon and send this bill forward with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Shawn Klein, Planner for the Area Plan Commission with offices located on the 11a' floor of the <br /> County-City Building, South Bend, IN, served as the presenter for this bill. Mr. Klein stated,Good <br /> evening. The petitioners are requesting a zone change from SF-Two (2), Single-Family and Two <br /> (2)-Family District to MF-One(1),Urban Corridor and Multi-Family District for the area outlined <br /> in red (referencing a slide in a presentation which is available in the City Clerk's Office). To the <br /> north of the site, across Almond Court, is Olivet AME Church zoned SF-Two (2). To the east of <br /> the site are Single-Family homes zoned SF-Two (2) as well as Multi-Family apartments zoned <br /> MU, Mixed-Use. To the south are Multi-Family apartments zoned PUD, Planned Unit <br /> Development. That was rezoned to PUD in 2013 to allow for Multi-Family use. And, to the west <br /> 3 <br />