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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Thank you for your presentation and the amount of detail <br /> you've provided Council tonight as well as in previous meetings in the community. I know you <br /> have reached out to individuals in the fourth (4th) District and I appreciate that as the Council <br /> Member representing them. I do have a couple of definition questions. I want to know what I'm <br /> voting on, like, really explicitly, all right? Your facility Choices, what is it characterized as within <br /> State Code?What is its actual technical name, IRS, or whatever,what level at the State does it fall <br /> under in terms of a definition? <br /> Mr. Adolf clarified, Are you meaning as far as our licensure goes? <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden followed up, Licensure, right. <br /> Mr. Adolf replied, It is a substance abuse treatment facility. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden followed up, Ok.And then in terms of,I heard you say you qualified <br /> for a three(3) year, and you had an inspection, is that every three(3) years? <br /> Mr.Adolf replied, It depends on how you pass the inspection,ma'am. So,the CARF-Accreditation <br /> is a nationwide accreditation and, like I said, it is the highest level you can get for a drug and <br /> alcohol treatment facility. When they come in, it is a two (2) day survey with two (2)people. One <br /> (1) of the individuals is looking at the administration side of things and the other is looking at the <br /> clinical and medical side. Each is an expert in that area. It is over 2,000 topics they survey us on <br /> and we can have either a recommendation, suggestion or pass on each one (1) of those topics. A <br /> recommendation basically means you need to change it, a suggestion is take it or leave it and pass. <br /> Out of those 2,000 topics, we only had eight (8)recommendations. Based off of that, we qualified <br /> for the three (3) year accreditation. You can either fail the accreditation, get a one (1) year or a <br /> three(3) year. So, we got the three (3) year accreditation. It will be every three (3) years, moving <br /> forward, as long as we continue to meet those standards. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden followed up, Alright, so that is locked in as long as you meet the <br /> standard. <br /> Mr. Adolf confirmed,Yes. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden then asked, Related to that, terminology-wise, the facility that you <br /> are proposing, what is its classification at the State-level, accreditation and inspection? What are <br /> you proposing? <br /> Mr. Adolf replied, It's a sober living facility. That is exactly what it would be. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, The reason I ask is because I've heard quite a few terms <br /> such as transitional and the ordinance itself says group home, so I just want to quantify it. <br /> Mr. Adolf stated, Yeah, we would classify it as a sober living facility. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Ok. Then, does that have any accreditation screens that <br /> accompany that designation? <br /> Mr. Adolf replied, Currently, right now, they don't have a set of accreditations for a sober living <br /> facility. Obviously, for our patients to attend treatment at Choices Recovery, we have to uphold <br /> those standards when they come to Choices for their treatment, but currently at the State level, <br /> there is not an exact accreditation for a sober living facility. After we've been in operation for one <br /> (1) year, then we can apply for the CARF-Accreditation at that location, also. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden followed up, And with those standards, would they be similar? <br /> Mr. Adolf replied, yes. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden exclaimed, Wow. <br /> Mr. Adolf continued, They would be slightly different with the levels of care because at that level <br /> of care, you are dealing with outpatient. So, you are not providing quite the same services. For <br /> instance, there wouldn't be a medical detox at this facility as there is at Choices Recovery. <br /> Councilmember Jo M.Broden interjected,Because you're offering more there is more to look into. <br /> 6 <br />