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REGULAR MEETING February 25, 2019 <br /> and meet with some of them. We still need to work with them and have it surveyed. But, in the <br /> next six (6)months, we plan on putting in the trees,the privacy fence and other things in that have <br /> been requested. I did want to make sure to bring that letter of intent and those things will be done <br /> in the next six (6)months. If there is a problem, we want to solve it. <br /> Ms. Brown went on, That being said, I want to talk briefly about who our client is. That is what <br /> we keep hearing. I don't want the drug addicts in my neighborhood. Ladies and gentlemen, the <br /> drug addicts are in your neighborhood.They are in your churches.They are in the places you work. <br /> The fact of the matter is the clientele that we serve are people that come from private insurance. <br /> These are people just like you and me,that find themselves in an addiction problem and they need <br /> help, but they are afraid to ask for help. Our client is an average twenty-seven (27) year old male <br /> with two (2) children and married. We've had people come to us and say we are going to import <br /> sex offenders. Ladies and gentlemen of the City Council, I am here to tell you that sex offenders <br /> cannot live at our facility because it is within 1,000 feet of a school district. And it's not even <br /> allowed at our facility. Plus,we have a very high priority in terms of the application process.These <br /> individuals must have already completed in-patient treatment to even come in here and we are <br /> going to have high standards for clients to stay. This place is not for a person to just be a flophouse, <br /> or a dormitory. This is a place of life-changing and evidence-based programming for people to get <br /> back on their feet. <br /> Ms. Brown continued, Ladies and gentlemen of the City Council, I know tonight, South Bend <br /> prides itself on being a City of diversity and inclusion. We want inclusive practices, yet, we don't <br /> know where to put them. I have a place. I proposed a place. I proposed a place for twenty (20) <br /> beds for maybe somebody that you know that can live in our community,work in our community, <br /> get well in our community and get right back to working in our community. Admit it or not, we <br /> all know someone that needs the help. In this room, tonight, we all know someone. I beg of our <br /> community. I understand the fear, but I am asking for us to give this a chance not because it's a <br /> for-profit business but because it is saving someone's life. On the way here, Brandon got word of <br /> a gentleman he has known his whole life, in critical condition,due to an overdose. I commend him <br /> for even being able to stand here tonight and talk about this. <br /> Ms. Brown went on, So, in conclusion, what am I asking the City Council to do? What are the <br /> mountain of supporters that we have tonight asking the City Council to do? I'm asking you to <br /> consider what we are doing in our community. I'm asking you to look at these twenty (20) beds <br /> and I'm asking you to vote yes for the citizens of the community who need you right now and who <br /> need this. Thank you so much for the opportunity of hearing what we have to say. And for those <br /> of you who disagree with what we are doing. I appreciate you, I respect you,I respect your opinion, <br /> but these resources saved my life personally. And I am a mother of a six(6)year old little boy who <br /> I enjoy every day. Thank you. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, I have a concern about the fencing. Knowing that it's a corner <br /> lot, I believe you have to have a certain percentage open on that fencing. Are you guys considering <br /> a chain link or something else? <br /> Ms. Adolf replied, We haven't officially decided on that yet. I think we are looking at, at least for <br /> a section of it, a privacy fence and then maybe where the main gate is, in the middle, chain link. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, This is going to go on, so I will send you guys some <br /> recommendations. But for myself, personally, I would like to see something that would fit a <br /> neighborhood and something a little more decorative that works for you guys. I want higher quality <br /> than chain-link. <br /> Ms. Brown interjected, Absolutely. <br /> Ms. Adolf replied, Yeah, and we want to be able to provide something that gives a little bit of <br /> safety and security to our patients and also to the community. We don't want somebody that is <br /> right across the way at a business to see all of our patients loading the bus in the morning and <br /> heading to treatment, you know what I mean? We want to have some privacy for them, too. A lot <br /> of these people are members of the community and someone could recognize them. We don't want <br /> that to happen. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott followed up, Yeah. Thank you. <br /> 5 <br />