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Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />William Geyer of 3032 Northside Boulevard, whose property adjoins that of the <br />petitioner spoke in opposition to the rezoning request. He stated that the house is not <br />designed to accommodate more persons, that there already are parking problems; that <br />it is unsafe due to sight line problems; that the rezoning may negatively impact property <br />values; and that the home would basically become a boarding house. For all of these <br />reasons he asked the Committee to deny the request. <br />City Engineer Carl Llttrell noted that Gary Gilot voted against the request at the Area <br />Plan Commission meeting. The home was originally built with variances which resulted <br />in zero set backs where normally there would be a 25 foot right of way line. Mr. Steele <br />has refused to construct a city sidewalk, and has not hard-surfaced his driveway. The <br />proposed pedestrian/bike path is planned to connect thru this area and with the zero set <br />back it will be difficult to develop. <br />Lisa Farris of 3401 Northside Boulevard spoke in opposition to the request and inquired <br />how complaints are handled by the City. <br />Acting Mayor Charles Leone stated that the City could pursue a cease and desist order <br />once a complaint is filed with the Legal Department. <br />In response to questions from Council Member Puzzello, Mr. Bulot stated that MF1 <br />allows a group residence as a special exception which would require Council action. He <br />then referred to the zoning chapter of the South Bend Municipal Code with regard to a <br />boarding house. He added that there are "no quick answers" in this area, and cited the <br />definition of "family". <br />Council Member Kirsits suggested that perhaps in early 2008 a separate meeting could <br />be held to discuss boarding houses, "family" as defined in the zoning chapter and legal <br />actions taken by the City Attorney's Office could be called. <br />In rebuttal, Mr. Steele stated that he has had conversations with Mr. Fozo and has not <br />decided one way or the other about the sidewalk or to pave his driveway. He stated <br />that since the other homes do not have sidewalks he believes that if he had one it <br />"would look goofy". He did not want to tear up his property until he knows more about <br />the pedestrian/bike path. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Mr. Lyons stated that the petitioner could <br />rent to one (1) person under the Code. <br />Council President Rouse stated that based on today's discussion there does appear to <br />be a need for further discussion of the zoning regulations and their enforcement. <br />Council Member Kirsits added that it was his understanding from talking with Mr. Fozo <br />that the basic difference between SF1 and SF2 is lot size, and that where he lives it is <br />primarily SF2. He stated that he does not believe that bringing multi-family into this <br />