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Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Bill No. 53-07: Proposed Re-Zoning of 3030 Northside Boulevard: <br />Council Member Kirsits then called for a presentation on Bill No. 53-07 which seeks a <br />rezoning of the home on 3030 Northside Boulevard. <br />Mark Lyons of the Area Plan Staff reported that the Bill received a public hearing before <br />the Area Plan Commission on October 16, 2007 on the request to rezone from SF2 <br />Single Family and Two Family District to MF1 Urban Corridor Multifamily District. Area <br />Plan sends the request to the Council with an unfavorable recommendation. <br />Larry O. Steele of 3030 Northside Boulevard made the formal presentation on behalf of <br />himself and his wife, Beverly. He stated that the built the home nine (9) years ago and <br />are semi-retired. He provided a 4-page handout (copy attached) depicting the floor plan <br />of the residence, a petition dated October 13, 2007 signed by thirteen (13) neighbors, a <br />1-page cover letter to the petition signed by himself and his wife, and pone-page map <br />entitled "Variances to be south after rezoning is complete". He noted that he has had <br />several relatives living with him, but now he is renting to two (2) brothers and likes to <br />have people in the home when he and his wife are away. He noted that their driveway <br />is in the right-of-way and do not believe that the proposed rezoning would have a <br />negative impact on the neighborhood. He noted that multi-family exits in the 2700, <br />2800, 3100 and 3500 blocks. Mr. Steele added that of the nineteen home owners near <br />him, 13 have signed the petition and three (3) are vacant homes. <br />In response to questions from Council Member Puzzello, Acting Building Commissioner <br />Charles Bulot stated that the home was built nine (9) years ago as a single family <br />dwelling. Mr. Bulot stated that there must be solid separation walls existing; there must <br />be independent exterior entrances to the units; and there must be separate utilities. <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that the parking in the area is very tight, noting that the <br />petitioner's driveway is gravel. <br />In response to questions from Dr. Varner, Mr. Steele stated that they own two (2) <br />vehicles however one was recently in an accident. <br />Dr. Varner voiced concern about the parking if the property would be rezoned. <br />In response to questions from Council Member Puzzello, Mr. Bulot stated that if the <br />property is rezoned there could be up to eight (8) persons who could live there. <br />Paul Jankowski of 3038 Northside Boulevard stated that Mr. Steele has a very thorough <br />application process for renters. He lives there and loves the neighborhood. He stated <br />that he believes that someone might have something against Mr. Steele since he <br />received a nasty letter and has been subject to verbal abuse from certain neighbors. <br />