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Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2007 <br />Page 4 <br />neighborhood would be appropriate. He noted that in 1999 a renter murdered a home <br />owner in his neighborhood. Market values, vacant homes, public safety, parking are all <br />problems and Council Member Kirsits stated that he believes the SF2 properties must <br />be protected. <br />Dr. Varner stated that many of the items highlighted by Council Member Kirsits he <br />agrees with and would therefore be voting against the request this evening. <br />Bill No. 07-132: Board of Zoning Request for 813 South Bend Avenue: <br />Council Member Kirsits called for a report from the Board of Zoning Appeals on Bill No. <br />07-132. <br />Mr. Bulot reported that the petitioner for a special exception to allow a single family <br />residence in a MF 1 District at 813 South Bend Avenue had a public hearing before the <br />Board of Zoning Appeals on October 18th. The BZA sends the request to the Council <br />with a favorable recommendation. <br />Charlotte Sobel of South Bend Heritage with offices at 803 Lincoln Way West made the <br />formal presentation. The special exception is needed in order to permit the const <br />ruction of asingle-family home, with the intention to rezone the entire area later. They <br />will work directly with the Area Plan Commission for the rezoning. The home would be <br />between $180,000 to $200,000. Ms. Sobel confirmed that she is moving to Fort Worth, <br />Texas for a new employment opportunity and thanked the Council for their support over <br />the years. <br />There was no one from the public to speak in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br />In light of a quorum not being present, no formal action was taken on the Bill. <br />Council Member Kirists stated that in light of a new Building Commissioner coming on <br />board that if he is Chairperson of the Zoning and Annexation Committee next year that <br />he would call a committee meeting to address the many questions raised today about <br />the zoning code. <br />Mr. Leone stated that the Legal Department would welcome such a meeting. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member <br />Kirisits adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m. <br />;~ ~ ~' ~ .~ <br />Respectfully submitted, /~J fJ ~ <br />(,~,~/ <br />Council Member AI "Buddy" Kirsits, Chairperson . <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />Attachments <br />