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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> He went on, The larger one (1) in our allocation is our insurance for liability. In the past, the <br /> liability insurance has been adjusted to create a balanced budget in the General Fund. This ye , <br /> the reflection in the allocation is the full amount being allocated to the Police Department. So the <br /> allocation is hitting full boar on the Police Department this year. One (1) thing I wanted to point <br /> out that is now in the COIT, under other services is that the leases have gone down dramatically. <br /> We are paying off leases that are in the General Fund so we no longer have that expense in the <br /> General Fund but we do have the expense in the COIT where the leases are paid for, so, that goes <br /> through another fund and doesn't really hit the General Fund. Unfortunately, I'm going to back up <br /> and talk about some personnel changes we would like to do. On the addition side of personnel <br /> changes,we would like to add a Director or Manager of Purchasing and Logistics. What this would <br /> do is civilianize our support services at the Police Department. In the past that position has been <br /> held by a sworn officer at a Captain's rank or above so we would like to civilianize this position <br /> and have them do more. Hopefully we can have that position. Right now, Chief Lancaster is doing <br /> a lot of that heavy lifting with that with a few other officers helping him out. <br /> He continued,The next position would be a Crime Intelligence Analyst for social media. We have <br /> a Crime Scene Analyst and she does a wonderful job analyzing the crimes and everything but this <br /> position would more of a proactive position. The hope is they can get onto social media and maybe <br /> pick up chatter going in a direction that we don't want it to go and maybe stop a violent crime. <br /> Chief Ruszkowski stated, With that, I would like to make a side note. We are looking at every <br /> position on the Police Department and asking if we absolutely need arrest powers to have these <br /> positions. The Logistics position is one (1) we are looking at, obviously. Do we have to have a <br /> police officer doing that? The answer is no, we don't. The position needs to have knowledge of <br /> police officers but when there is collaboration involved, it is a pretty short order where that would <br /> occur. The social media position came from a variety of sources. None more important, or as <br /> important than, our core group with Group Violence Intervention. This is being done all over the <br /> country and to go with our Group Violence Reduction Strategy,the social media component is one <br /> (1) thing we have been missing big time. Now we have that Crime Analyst and she does all the <br /> mapping and hot spots and all that intelligence stuff. That is fine because we know where to be to <br /> deter the bullies from coming on the playground and picking on everyone else. We also know who <br /> the bad people are and those locations. But it is always going to be a punitive component. How do <br /> we get out of that punitive component? One (1) way is to stop these before they happen. We can <br /> do some intervention and prevention before it becomes something horrible. Too much time passes <br /> while we have been trying to figure that out. That is why we are looking at social media <br /> specifically. There are keywords and buzz words that tip off danger and then we can intervene. <br /> Mr. Cocanower stated, Some of the changes include changing the Alarm Specialist title to Data <br /> Entry Specialist. She's got both Alarm and Data Entry so we are going to make her a data entry <br /> specialist. With our data entry specialist and our records specialist, these are people that are <br /> entering the reports and are getting the records for individuals coming in and asking for them. We <br /> have people working all three (3) shifts. It is a twenty-four seven (24/7) operation. We've been <br /> working with HR to develop a shift premium. So if they are on the afternoon shift, they would <br /> make a certain dollar per hour more. I think we were looking at fifty cents per hour($0.50/hr). If <br /> they are working midnights and are giving up family time,we would give them a dollar more there. <br /> I think it is similar to some of the other departments that have a twenty-four seven(24/7)operation. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 if 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 i <br />