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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> He went on, One (1) other thing we are looking at within the handbook and with HR is the pay <br /> rate of bringing in someone today. If you bring someone in today, right now, they are starting at <br /> the same rate as somebody that has worked for thirty (30) years in that department. We are <br /> investigating a tier rate. There will be an amount that officers start at and then after evaluations <br /> there will be increases. That is not in place right now but we are going to work with HR to get that <br /> up and get that in place for the coming year. Another change we've asked for, based on some <br /> research we've done, our Crime Intelligence Analyst we've spoken about, we would like to <br /> increase her pay. Then our Assistant Director of Civilian Services which is over the Data Entry <br /> Specialist and the Records Specialist, we are asking to increase her pay. Her job responsibilities <br /> warranted the increase in her pay. And then one (1) last thing, for budget purposes, we have <br /> reduced the number of sworn officers we are asking for. It reflects the current level of sworn <br /> officers that we are maintaining right now. We are reducing it down to two hundred and forty(240) <br /> officers. Last year we budgeted for two hundred and forty-five (245). In a couple of slides <br /> (referencing the presentation)you will see we haven't been able to get up to that. We stayed below <br /> two hundred and forty(240) so we felt that would be a good number to budget for. So that is what <br /> we are budgeting for and it is a reduction. <br /> He continued,We talked about the services budget and here(referencing a slide in the presentation) <br /> is the sworn officers level. Like I said, last year,we budgeted for two hundred and forty-five(245) <br /> officers. This year we are budgeting for two hundred and forty (240). Right now we are <br /> maintaining levels in the two hundred thirty-five(235)to the two hundred thirty-seven(237)range. <br /> We felt two hundred and forty (240) would allow us to still man the patrols. There is no way we <br /> want to not have officers out on patrol and we feel two hundred and forty(240) will cover it. Here <br /> is where we've been over the last year and a half. Currently we are at two hundred and thirty-five <br /> (235)officers. We do have two (2)in the academy in Indianapolis so when they get back and have <br /> graduated we will be up to two hundred and thirty-seven(237). That two hundred thirty five (235) <br /> number, we didn't want to emphasize it but that also includes all of our FMLA officers, our <br /> military leave officers, any officers that are on the parental leave opportunity and light duty as <br /> well. So,that two hundred thirty-five (235) is generous in that we are down from that number as a <br /> result of officers in any one (1) of those categories I just mentioned. <br /> He went on, Right here is what we are projecting and what we are wanting to get to. Obviously we <br /> wouldn't have recruits through the academy in time to get them sworn on by the end of the year. <br /> At the end of the year we will be at two hundred and thirty-seven (237) but next year we are <br /> pushing to get to the two hundred and forty(240) level. Then we wanted to also show the years of <br /> service that our sworn officers are at. The one (1) thing with this chart is that, in the past, it went <br /> the other way. We had more officers in the twenty-five(25)to thirty(3 0)year category.Not to say <br /> it's a good thing that we are losing our knowledge base but it is a good thing we are getting newer <br /> officers. The ten to fifteen(10— 15)year range where they don't retire or resign as quickly. So we <br /> are getting newer officers and we are trying to keep them on. <br /> He continued, Here is a six(6)year overview of the number of retirements and resignations we've <br /> had. We've had ninety-two (92) retirements and resignations and that was majorly in the twenty <br /> (20)to thirty(30)years plus years of service.With this up here,one(1)thing I neglected to mention <br /> on the Pension Fund earlier was that it is $6.4 million. That is for our#1925 Funders. The City is <br /> responsible for paying those retirement benefits. Those benefits are reimbursed by the State but <br /> sometimes the reimbursements don't actually meet at the same time so sometimes there are tiny <br /> differences. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1TD574.235.55671ow <br /> 8 <br />