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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> taken care of We've got a net capital asset value of about $55 million. The replacement value of <br /> that is several hundreds of millions of dollars. So we were well underfunded in terms of updating <br /> pumps, well fields and even pipes. We have pipes from 1875 that are still in the ground. This will <br /> help us get some of that stuff up to speed. You'll see here the layout of the capital and then the <br /> total layout. This one (1) is always a little misleading and should probably do it a little differently. <br /> In that $15 million of services is a transfer out of the capital money but we have to count that as <br /> an expense out of that Waterworks Operation Maintenance Fund and into the Waterworks Capital <br /> Fund. So that$3.766 million is capital that we are doing but is also kind of being double counted <br /> in that$15 million. <br /> He continued, In addition to that, as you all may recall, we have been very fortunate to have TIF <br /> support. A number of our significant needs are where we've got some of our facilities in TIF <br /> districts So for 2019, we will have TIF investment in water main, valve and hydrant replacement, <br /> in the North Station Treatment Plant, and upgrades in our fellows and bootcom reservoir booster <br /> station. That has been significantly helpful as well. On the wastewater side, some major <br /> accomplishments this ye include two (2)big ones. One (1)is the digester gas utilization. That is <br /> where we take our solids and process them to break down the waste and it is an anaerobic process <br /> that breaks it down into, essentially, dirt. Then we have a program where we one hundred percent <br /> (100%) beneficially reuse those solids and apply them to farm fields. In addition to that, as these <br /> bugs are in there, it generates a lot of heat, kills the pathogens, but as they are eating they are <br /> producing methane. So we take that methane gas and clean it and use it in our trash trucks. In <br /> addition, we spent about $14 million on secondary treatment clarifiers. This is a tremendous <br /> success in a lot of ways but it allows us to return a lot less activated sludge through the process so <br /> we will save quite a bit on electric fees and pumping. It also gives us additional capacity in the <br /> plant and that is something that needed to happen. So as we try to move our Long-Term Control <br /> Plan forward, it will be very helpful as we will have more ability to treat more flow. <br /> He went on, On the wastewater side you can see the revenues are pretty flat from 2018. The <br /> expenses are significantly lower. Again,that is primarily due to the capital piece. So you can also <br /> see here(referencing a slide in the presentation)that the expenses are still greater than the revenue, <br /> just like last ye and the year before,so we continue to spend down our cash balance. Having said <br /> that, we are still in a very strong financial position so it is not something we are concerned with <br /> right now.We just wanted to point that out that is what we are doing. We are doing that on purpose. <br /> Here is the total budget, you can see from 2018 to 2019 in various line items it has gone down, a <br /> total of about$9 million.A significant portion of that is due to the decrease in capital spending. <br /> He continued, Organic Resources, again, through the work with the Council, you may recall you <br /> passed an ordinance to get the bags out. We had,essentially, 100,000 cubic yards of trash out there <br /> and the State came in a said you have to take care of that. We were able to do that and really turn <br /> it from a trash to a treasure program.Now,we have really great quality compost. We are a certified <br /> compost through the US Composting Industry and we've increased our revenue on our compost <br /> about ten percent (10%) this year. That has been very successful. Finally, budget highlights, you <br /> will see some of the capital spending on the wastewater and water we have in there. I also want to <br /> point out that,included in these two (2)budgets,there are no position increases for wastewater but <br /> on the water side, we have five (5) positions that range from six to sixteen percent (6% - 16%) <br /> increases. It is a combination of bringing them in line with other similar positions in the City and <br /> additional responsibilities. Any specific questions you may have on those, we would be glad to <br /> provide additional information on that. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 l p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I TTD <br /> 18 <br />