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September 25, 200fi Personnel and Finance Committee <br />Page 2 <br />City Controller M. Catherine Fannello noted that Bill No. 55-06 addresses the Enterprise <br />Funds of the City. She was avaible for any questions. <br />No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br />Dr. Varner made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kuspa that Bill No. 55-06 be <br />recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Ms. Fannello noted that Bill No. 56-06 contains Fund No. 377 and Fund No. 408 <br />currently She stated that neither of these funds need to be addressed by the September <br />30f~' state law deadline as noted by the Council Attorney in earlier communications to <br />the Council. She added that Tam Skarbek filed on earlier all replacement line-item <br />pages to the budget (copies attached}. <br />Council Member Pfeifer suggested that a Saturday morning meeting may be best to <br />address budget issues that cannot be resolved today. <br />Mayor Luecke stated fihat he would like both the College Football Hall of Fame and <br />Project Future included at the amounts proposed. He noted that the Committee has <br />spent many hours reviewing the proposed budgets and did not see any benefit in <br />delaying action on those items. <br />Council Member Kelly stated he would also like action to be taken tonight, and <br />requested that Project Future's request for $120,000 for five (5) years. <br />Dr, Varner stated that dollars for Project Future and the Football Hall of Fame do not <br />have to be passed tonight. <br />Counci( Member White stated that she thought there was a consensus based on passed <br />discussions and that she could support Project Future's current level of $110,00. <br />Council Member Pfeifer stated that Council Member Kelly asked fora "sense on Project <br />Future proposal" prior to today and she is prepared to vote tonight. <br />Dr, Varner and Council Member Puzzello noted that they could support a $110,000 <br />amount for Project Future which is their current amount. <br />Council President Rouse noted that only the funding far Project Future is before the <br />Council tonight and not the duration, with Council Member Kuspa concurring in this. <br />