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September 25, 2006 Personnel and Finance Committee <br />Page 3 <br />Council Member Kirsits stated that °`he has been all over the map on Project Future's <br />request including pulling all of their funds"; and Council Member Kuspa stated he could <br />support the $120,000 request. <br />Mayor Luecke recommended that the Council include Fund # 377 in the budget tonight <br />He is unaware of any licensing agreement with Game Day Centers noting that he <br />received a letter dated September 22, 2006 from Rick Walls confirming that there are no <br />agreements since they are using a mare generic name (copy attached). The Mayor <br />also noted that the South Bend Community School Corporation Board of Trustees <br />recently approved "Play It Smart" in all four (4) South Bend public high schools and <br />provided a copy of a September 25, 2006 letter from the NFF (copy attached). <br />Council Member Dieter voiced concern that time for Scott Dactelides is proposed fio be <br />split between Clay and Adams High Schools, and believes that each school should <br />have their own "Play It Smart" representative. He stressed that there is "just too much <br />for what has to be done correctly" to split time between the schools. <br />City Attorney Charles Leone stated that he has not seen the agreement and haw it may <br />be structured. <br />Dr. Varner noted that he has a tentative spread sheet, noting that the support for the <br />CFHF "are beginning to increase". With the Joint Committee overseeing the funds, the <br />Common Council would have no oversight roles over the finances. $1.2 million be <br />transferred this year and adminisfiered by the Joint Committee. <br />Council Member Dieter voiced support of Dr. Varner's concern. <br />In response to a question from Council President Rouse, Dr. Varner stated that he has <br />been making requests for ten (10} years for information without responses being <br />forthcoming. <br />Council Member Kuspa made a motion to fund Project Future at $120,000 for 2007. <br />The motion failed for the lack of a second. <br />Council Member White made a motion, seconded by Dr, Varner that Project Future be <br />funded at its current amount of $110,000 for 2007. The motion passed. <br />Dr. Varner made a motion tv delete the CFHF Fund # 377 from the ordinance and act <br />on it in a separate ordinance. The motion failed for the lack of a second. <br />