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Personnel and Finance Committee <br />2005 South Bend Common Council <br />The September 25, 2006 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee of the <br />South Send Common Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member <br />Charlotte D. Pfeifer at 5:00 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Kelly, Varner, Kuspa, Kirsits, <br />Rouse, Dieter, White and Puzzello; Mayor Stephen J. Lueeke, Public Works Director <br />Gary Gilot, Dr. John Dillon, Citizen Member Martha Lewis, City Clerk John Voorde, City <br />Controller M. Catherine Fanello, Building Commissioner Don Fozo, Fire Chief Luther <br />Taylor, Division Chief Rick Kilgore, Beth Leonard, Assistant Fire Chief Rick Switalski, <br />Mikki Dobski-Shidler, Dennis Andres, City Attorney Charles Leone, Citizen Member <br />Martin Wolfson, Pam Meyer, Community and Economic Development Director Sharon <br />Kendall, Jamie Loo of the South Bend Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council <br />Attorney. <br />Council Member Pfeifer noted that the members of the Personnel and Finance <br />Committee include Council Members Kuspa, White, Varner and herself as Chairperson; <br />and Citizen Member Nikki Hutchinson. <br />Substitute Biill No. 62-afi: <br />Council Member Pfeifer called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 62-06 which <br />would fix the maximum wages of Teamster employees of the City of South Bend for the <br />2007 calendar year. <br />City Controller M. Catherine Fanello made the formal presentation. She noted that a <br />draft ordinance was filed with the Office of the City Clerk on September ~ 1th, and that <br />the substitute version sets forth the final maximum numbers. The ordinance reflects an <br />increase of $.38 per hour which was the tentative agreement reached between the two <br />(2) bargaining teams. She added that the Teamsters have not voted on the package, <br />with their vote not taking place until later in October. She stated that if the package is <br />rejected the current contract would carry over to the next year. <br />Council Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member White that <br />Substitute Bill No. 62-06 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Biill Nos. 55-aG, 5fi-afi and_57-afi 2x07 Bud ets <br />Council Member Pfeifer noted that several Committee meetings have been held on the <br />three (3} ordinance related to the 2007 city budget. She then asked the City Controller <br />for her comments on the Bills. <br />