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Utilities Committee <br />2©06 South Bend Common Gouncil <br />The September 25, 2006 meeting of the Utilities Committee of the South Bend Common <br />Council was called to order by its Chairperson, Council Member AI "Buddy" Kirsits at <br />4:10 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Kelly, Varner, Kuspa, Kirsits, <br />Rouse, Dieter, White and Puzzello; Mayor Stephen J. Luecke, Public Works Director <br />Gary Gilot, Dr. John Dillon, Citizen Member Martha Lewis, City Clerk John Voorde, City <br />Controller M. Catherine Fanello, City Attorney Charles Leone, Jamie Lao of the South <br />Send Tribune and Kathleen Cekanski~Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that the members of the Utilities Committee include <br />Council Members Kuspa, Puzzello, Pfeifer and himself; and Citizen Member Gene <br />Pend I. <br />Bill No. 6Q-Q6 Municipal Sewage Works Proiect Ordinance: <br />Gouncil Member Kirists called for a presentation on Bill No. 60-D6 which would amend <br />Ordinance No. 8919098 in order to clarify the scope of the Municipal Sewage Works <br />Project and which would approve the use of the State Revolving Loan Funds balance <br />of $638,682 far hydraulic improvements. <br />Dr. Jack Dillon, Director of Environmental Services made the formal presentation. He <br />noted that in 1998 the Common Council passed Ordinance No. 8919-98 which <br />authorized the issuance of revenue bonds not to exceed $24,095,000 with State <br />Revolving Fund (SRF} loan proceeds being the source of funds for the construction. <br />$683,682 remains available for use. Modification of the scope of work will permit the <br />hydraulics to be enlarged sa that the $638,682 can be utilized. There was no ane from <br />the public to speak in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br />Counciil Member Kuspa made a motion, seconded by Council Member Puzzello that Bill <br />No. 60-06 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Miscellaneous Business: <br />In response to a question from Council Member Kirsits, Mr. Gilot confirmed that the <br />storm sewer installation on Leeper is part of the Harter Heights project. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member Kirsits <br />adjourned the meeting at 4:14 p.m. ,~ <br />!f~ , , <br />Respectfully submitted, ~` <br />r.~ <br />Council Member AI "Buddy" Krsits, Chairperson <br />Utilities Committee Attachment <br />