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September 25, 2006 Personnel and Finance Committee <br />Page 4 <br />Council Member White made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kuspa that Bill <br />No. 56-06 as to be amended be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed with Dr. Varner voting in opposition to the motion. <br />At this time handouts were provided by Park Superintendent Phil St. Clair on the <br />greenhouses and conservatories which were requested to be filed by noon today. <br />Council Member Dieter noted that with the late filing of the information which was <br />requested by him and Council Member Kuspa in a September 14~h letter to the Park <br />~~ <br />Board and the Park Superintendent, #hat he will need time to digest the information". <br />He also noted that PARC and Zoning and Annexation Committee would be going <br />forward with their joint committee meeting on the greenhouses and conservatories prior <br />to the next Common Council meeting. ". He provided copies of his sta#ement on the <br />greenhouses requesting among other things that the Mayor restore the funding for the <br />greenhouses and conservatories along with a copy of the September 14~h letter (copies <br />attached). <br />Council Member Puzzello voiced concern that with the funds for the greenhouses and <br />conservatories being cut by the Administration, that it puts the Council in a si#uation tha# <br />in order to restore any of their funding that the Council would have to cut other Park <br />programs. She stated that "this puts the Council in a terrible spot", especially when the <br />Council was not advised un#il the budget hearings of the proposed closings of the <br />greenhouses and conservatories and that it "was a done thing without the Council <br />knowing i# was going on". <br />Park Superintendent St. Clair stated that the Park Board "has until the third Monday in <br />December #a take action on the greenhouses". <br />Council Member White voiced support of the comments made by Council Member <br />Puzzeilo, Hating that information should have been shared with the Council before a <br />decision was made to close the greenhouses. <br />Mayor Luecke suggested that a special committee be organized to look into whether <br />there are any alternatives andlor options for the greenhouses which could then report <br />back to the Council within thirty (30} days. <br />Dr. Varner noted that the greenhouses are budgeted through the end of this calendar <br />year, and that additional changes could be made to supplement their budget for 2007. <br />Council Member Dieter stated that he is also looking into passible private sources to <br />assist the greenhouses because "he does Hat want to see them ga away <br />Council Presiden# Rouse stated that the Mayor has committed to work in good faith with <br />the Council and he believes the Council should take the Mayor at his word. <br />