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August 14, 20D6 Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting <br />Page 2 <br />Substitute Bill No. 32-06: Rezonin of 4324 South Michi an Street and 119 <br />Norman Street: <br />Council Member Kuspa called far a report from Area Plan on Substitute Bili No. <br />32-06 which would amend the zoning of 4324 South Michigan Street and 118 <br />Norman Street, located in the 5{" District. <br />Robert Nemeth of Area Plan reported that a public hearing was held on July 18, <br />2006 before the Area Plan Commission for this property which is being <br />requested to go from "SF1" Single & Two Family to °CB" Community Business. <br />The Area Plan Commission sends it to the Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. <br />Terry J. O'Brien of Burkhart Advertising, P.O. Box 536, South Bend, IN 46624 <br />made the formal presentation. He noted that because of the road improvement <br />of US 31, the city has asked Burhart to relocate their existing off-premise sign <br />approximately 10-20 feet into the property. <br />Bill Schalliol of the Department of Community and Economic Development spoke <br />in favor of the rezoning, citing the long-standing relationship of the petitioner with <br />the City of South Bend. <br />Following discussion, Council Member Dieter made a motion, seconded by <br />Council Member Kirsits that Substitute Bill No. 32-06 be recommended favorably <br />to Council. The motion passed. <br />Bill No. 06-73: S ecial Exce tion for 640 and 560 West Ireland: <br />Council Member Kuspa called for a report from the Board of Zoning Appeals on <br />Bill No. 06T73 which is a special exception for 640 and 560 West Ireland. <br />Assistant Zoning Administrator Charles Bulot reported that the Board of Zoning <br />Appeals held a public hearing on July 20, 2006 and sends the request to the <br />Common Council with a favorable recommendation (report attached). <br />Michael J. Danch, President of Danch, Hamer & Associates, Inc., with offices <br />located at 1643 Commerce Drive, South Bend, Indiana 46628 made the formal <br />presentation on behalf of Anchor South Bend, LLC and Gates Toyota. He <br />introduced Larry Gates and Steve Ellis to the Committee. Mr. Danch noted that <br />the special exception would permit the construction and operation of an <br />automotive sales, repair and service facility for Gates Toyota in the Erskine <br />Commons complex, currently under construction. He provided a preliminary site <br />plan of the area in question (copy attached). The building would be 55,000 <br />