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August 14, 2006 Zoning end Annexation Comrr~ittee Meeting <br />Page 3 <br />square feet and all Toyotas would be serviced at this location. The project is <br />estimated to cost several millions of dollars. <br />Counci! Member White stated that she would Pike to thank the petitioners for <br />remaining in South Bend. <br />Mr. Schalliol stated that the city is excited about this project, noting that the <br />Gates Building located downtown would be dosing. <br />Council Member Dieter made a motion, seconded by Council Member White that <br />Bill No. 06-73 be recommended favorably to Council. The motiohn passed. <br />Bill No. 06-74: Special Exception for 2720 Mishawaka Avenue: <br />Council Kuspa called for a report from the Board of Zoning Appeals on Bill No. <br />06-74 which is a special exception for the property located at 2720 Mishawaka <br />Avenue. <br />Assistant Zoning Administrator Charles Bulot reported that the Board of Zoning <br />Appeals held a public hearing on July 20, 2006 and sends the request to the <br />Common Council with a favorable recommendation {report attached). He noted <br />that the special exception would permit Turners of Michiana, a fratenal <br />organization, to locate at this address. The petitioner at the Board of Zoning <br />meeting noted that they have a small membership and would re-located if they <br />grew beyond the sixteen {16) parking spaces, which they believe would be <br />sufficient for them. <br />There was no presenter for the Bill. <br />Council Member White made a motion, seconded by City Member Ed Talley that <br />Bill No. 06-74 be sent to the Council without recommendation, in light of the <br />petitioner not being present. The motion passed. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee, Council Member <br />Kuspa adjourned the meeting at 3:31 p.m. <br />Respectfu ,y submitt~ <br />Counci( Member Ervin usp Chairperson <br />Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />Atfiachments <br />