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~.r. ~`altey stated that he c~~ntact the city ar~d ~va.s advised fiat tine ~€~u~zci9 preferred that ~r~~y <br />~`~~lneii 11/~~mbers participate its the .i~itiai pia~~;e. <br />t eras ~~c~ted. teat citi~e~ ~~~e~r~~.~ers wc?« receive ~crti~:e ~f f~tre trims 5~ ti~at they ~«~,~~j~.i.d have <br />tl~~; c~ppa~~t~~~~ity t€~ participate. <br />~E,I~ere ~Sein~ ~a ~~rther ~SUSeness t~ cc~~~1e l~setc~re tie C~c~t~~~~~zittee; ~;c~uraci~ e~~~~er I<irsits <br />adjc~~.~~-~~ed tine ~~c~~l`~~~Zittee ~neeti~~~ at':5~ p.~~. <br />1_~espectfrrlly s~i~~nitted, i, ~r <br />C€~ur~eii 1i~e~~rhe;r Ai "~t~dc~y,R ]~.irsits., ~iceW~ hairp~rsort. <br />:~:c~ni~~b a.~~d ~~~nexati~~~ ~`~a3~~~.ittee: <br />~~~~:~r~~f' <br />~ttachr~ents <br />I:~il 2~ , ZE14C~ Lon.i~t~ ~s~d Iwm~ atio~l Comn~i~t'~i {~t~ ih¢ 2(!C3f St?€ith F3er~~l C UkTlll7f117 Counci] -f'ar~ .i nt 3 <br />