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In response to ~ q€.€estiksn i'rc~€ Professor ~sslfso€~ c~~a ~,ffir€~€ati~~e actio€.~, fir. i--~~irtr st~teci tl-€~t it <br />is hard iii 1~ire sir?c.e there a€-~ €~cs "jc>~ s~a~s`' ~r€ ~~ig~ sc.i~t~~~a€s ar~c~ lie ~civertise~ i~ tie ~~e~~~saper <br />for fo€,€r (4) weeks a.r€d orsty got t~~~c~ ~?} respanses from k€~€alified indavikl>~€als. l ~.e has hec;r~ €~ <br />contact ~vit[~ l:~Jy '€`ecl~, l~o~veve€- lie gets zerk~s assistance 1'ron~ high sel~oal la€°ogra€i~s. He is <br />i€~volved in try'irfg t® get r®botics classes in high scl~ok~ls. <br />tT'aunci113residey~t ~.o€zse also Hated that tl~se ~aturda.~.~ ~varltsl~€~sp caraducted by Presfe:ssor ~alfs€~€~ <br />vas eskcellent. fte ~€,€rtl~er noted that he was retirk~d ~ro~~€ 1-laneyw~;ll ~.nd i~€at cl~€ pegs®ns <br />c.orild he lo€;ated ar~d he ~u€ar€1. ii'~€: to taii4 ~~%it~ tcle }~etit;ssner privately o~~ that €i~~tter. <br />~€a response tc~ a questio€~ from C.cs4~€~€eil I~!le€~her ~i.eter, the l~etitiQner noted that the co€~~a~?}f <br />has l~c~e;~ i~~ ho.€siness fcsr 57 years with tt€e average sala~-~, lei€~<g ~~[?.Ot~~(~ ~t€~grtkally. <br />lzr response to a gt€istion. 1'ro~r€ Cc~l~.r€c;il Mer€-t~er 1'feiter, the petitioner stated t11at ~ of 4~ <br />i€~dividuals an the shop Moor are wo€~ten. l~eper€ding ksn tl~e slkill level, dourly rates range fr°an~ <br />~1_Cs, `n22 to X26.(30. <br />In €'espc~nse to a question fr~s~x€: P€-ofessor '~~r'c~lfst~€~> tl~e petitia€~k;r stated. that the pri€~a€j~ c}~~iities <br />lie is balking #©€- in en7plt~yees are those that sl~cw up fa~° work o~~ ~ regr€la~- ~€~~ punctual teas€s <br />ar€d who carry o~€t the t~tslk5 they asl~ed to perf~srz~-€. <br />1~c~lio~ving diset€ssion, Cora€~eil l~le€ni~er I~uzzello t€~ade a a~~otio€~, seconde,d ley Council ~en~ler <br />~irsits that 13111. lVo. ~~-;? ~e recon~t~aended farft~ralsly to Co;r€ncil. T1ie €notion passed. <br />~'~isc~t~anco~s >~t'tsin~ss: <br />[t ~~~as sr€ggested that €rtates car a report from l'rofessar ~Ialf'sc~€7`s sen7is~ary lie provided tc~ the <br />Car€ncil. After discussion on this suggestion, Council lVe€~~ber 14.e11}f stated that lie would prefer <br />€l~at s~€ch a report lie given ~t a regular 2d esr 4th. Monday Co€~€~€ittee €~-€, and il' additional <br />t~€eetints wo€aid 1~€ave to 1~c: ca#iec1, that he would do so. <br />~'l~ere lsei€~g r.€a ~~.€.rther t~usiness to cue; ~;f-ore the Crs€~-€mittee, Ca~~tr€ci1 ~~e€nhe€° belly <br />adjor€t~r~c:d tl7e €neetir~.g at 4:18 p.s~. <br />lie fully sins€nitted, <br />'; <br /> 1t?len;:€~er Roland Ke1Iy; Chairperstsn <br />Co€x~€~unity and. l=scono€~rzc ~evelc~l3€nent C:c~€~€~ittee <br />Attael~~-ne€~ts <br />I~prii 2~~_ ?f;N~C~ Cun~fnnnit~~ and l:icc~noitlii l~eecloF~me~zt Co~~u»}4Eee Heeling !17inutes -Pa~~ 3 uf~ 3 <br />