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l.~l response to a ctn.€estir~r~ free C~-itizerl I!~el~~er ~. ;~;dward °t'~lley, NIr. ~anc~l~, tie represc:~-~tcrt~~~e; <br />for :ial~r@ l~€~y, stated t:~at lie warllci ~vark with C~t~~ €~ tine blew recltaire:~~ret~t.. <br />Ilr. ~la.ri.ani added. that the estitx~ated ta~e;s w€~uld. lac ~~,~(?t9 per ~~l~it. <br />dill ~[~. 07-0G 54670'i~lis ,~wer~t,e-.~€>:~ ita~ nn~'x~ti€~n ~re~ ~n ~`I~..y 'l`or~nsi <br />Ral~ert Ne€neth, ~ Planner witl~~ Are<z Pla€~ €~eported that the petitial~er prc~pases t€j co~~str€€ct twa <br />(2) buildings with ia€ar {~-} townhouses its eaci~. ~ lie zat~€irlg wat~is change fray "l~" iZesisential <br />in the eaunty to I~IFi fJrban C€~rri€lar l~!C€titifa~nily in the city. lie added that tl~e ,area plan <br />Ca~~~;~issic3r~ leis a p€il~lic l~eari~lg air tfl€: ref}nest c~~~ i1?iar€;}~ ?l, ?~tt~> and sends the Bill is file <br />Cou«cil with. a favarabl€; recan~€~neltcl~.tian. <br />f~iel~ael l~ancl~ of ~a€~ch, t-larner ~. ~.ssacia,tes; l~~e.. ~~~itl~ c~ftcus at 1~~3 Ca~~l~~e~ree :give i~~ <br />~€~arth Benc! ~~ade the preser~tatian €~n behalf of Sohn Rohr. He pro~~ided copies of the prc:lirl~inary <br />sit€~ plan t€> the Co~rlinittee (copy attached}. IVir. L)a.nctr stated. tlta.t tine eight ($) townhouses <br />wc~>~ld range in ~ralue from ~1~f),r.~0[6 to ~l ~~,OOCI. ~e adclecl. that there ~vc~uld lie na prallle~n <br />with regard to the <architectr€ral ~;ttidelirtes previtit~sly clisclw€sscd; ana t:~at he ~n7c7~.licl work wiil~ tire. <br />city with e~egarcl to an access ease~~~ent. <br />l~allawin~ discussion, Cat~r~ci! it/fe~~~i~er Mete€- ~~lade a r;lat.i€>~~; seccg~~decl 't7y ~~oc€r~ciE I~el~~t~er <br />White tl~rat Bill Na. Q~-3~ as to lie a~~ended and I3ii1 No.()7-()~ 13e recoi~~rlel3ded favorably to <br />Council. The la~atian passes. <br />Re ues~ fc~r ~ ~antinuance nff an A cal of Denial off .e~°>ti~cate ®~' ~ ~ ro ~~°iateness T~i~. <br />20(}5-102~~ b fhe lislari~ >P>r'es r~~t~an C'Q~ntn~ssia~r~ ufi tl~e ~:~~~ of Knuth l~en€i l4olr <br />h_e~~e~t„~ located ut 200 Pog•tu6e ~~enue: <br />Tl~e Council. Attorney Dated that she 1?as laeer~ ira carrtact far thr; attorneys representing; the panics <br />in the 1-11~C. appeal. ~acl~ C:au~~cil Nle~~i~}er l.~avc received. carrespand.ence ire their ~;o€€rlcil. <br />Packets fra~n each attorney rec}r-esting a col~tir~uanc~: in light of a~7going disc.l_~ssions and progress <br />involving a tt$ird party. Sl?e recar~~>~~endc:cl that in light of tl~e €°ecl>r€est, that tl~e Co~~~€nittee should <br />consider continuing tl~e Appeal ci€rrently set far April 27t1~ to the ~`cs€€ncii nieetin~ of Tune i?t1~., <br />with ,tune 7th being established, a.s t[~e cut-off' d.ea.dline for the ~hng of legal rnel7aorand.ul~s by <br />legal ca€~nsel. <br />Council I~/letnber White made a n~atio€? to that- effect, wl~i~;h ~,va.s sec€~nded. by ~-auncil iVleta-~t~er <br />f)iete~°. T-~e ~x~otian passed. <br />~:~scelluneQUS l~usil;~ess: <br />Citizen Me~rl~see- J. Edward Talley s~rrted that he w€?uld have like tc~ Dave ganc oi~ the trolley ride <br />wl~ieh the Calr€jcil recently took tilrongl~€~~lt varia~.~s neigl~barllaads. lie stated that when l~.e <br />intt~rrric:wed i:ar tl~e Citizen IViet~ber position that he stated that he was eery interested ir> <br />neigl~barhoods and believes that invalven~ent ire stlcl~ trips wa>rlid have been beneficial. <br />Council president Rouse stated that sa~n.e of the Citizen. Niel~~bers dial par~~icipate in t[3e pl~lrige. <br />April 2~! ._ 2i).)tz I:n~i~~g au~d l~zv~caafio~}t:o~~ic~3ttee cz;'the't3E1{~ sataih ~3e3~d ~~« izlmon Com'3ci; -P.~~;e 2 of t- <br />