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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> be another economic downturn at some point. And then, ultimately, we want to take that <br /> information and put it into a question of economic impact. Essentially we want to take this new <br /> value of construction, factoring some reasonable assumptions for inflation, and that will give us <br /> new built value over time. What you see here is this notion of the anticipated capital costs for our <br /> different station locations relative to our expectations of what could be the value of new real estate <br /> development. We also assess the resulting possible tax proceeds that could flow over a ten (10) <br /> year period from these different locations. There are a few things I think that are important to <br /> comment on. There is a large amount of vacant land around the airport that is subject to FAA <br /> guidance in terms of land use. There is not as much vacant land around the airport as one would <br /> think. Our laser focus here is a quarter to half mile radius of study area around each station location. <br /> The beauty with Downtown, of course, is we don't need a very large parcel to build a significant <br /> amount of housing. Again, it is a very different density conversation. The key with Downtown <br /> versus Honeywell, the Downtown station is a much more expensive station to build. So while we <br /> see a significant premium in real estate value, it is a significantly more expensive station. That is <br /> why we get to a conversation about Honeywell being less expensive to build with relevant real <br /> estate development. We have had people say that our assumptions for Honeywell might be a little <br /> bit optimistic so I think that is also part of the conversation as well. <br /> Mr. Foyle went on, To summarize these things, for Amtrak specifically, the home values are <br /> modest. That is not a bad thing it is just how it is. I think getting to our airport station,there is not <br /> necessarily a lot of land available in immediate proximity. We would be losing parking as well. <br /> The FAA is one (1) of those unique federal agencies that actually cares what kind of trees you <br /> plant next to an airport. Those are trees that don't encourage birds. Development around airports <br /> is not a casual thing and we want to think about that. We tried to summarize all the variables to <br /> understand our expectations. This is all based on facts on the ground as we see it. There is a <br /> decision to make regarding an industrial trajectory versus a retail or mixed-use trajectory. They <br /> offer different implications for value.Again,we need to understand the comparison to alternatives <br /> from a cost standpoint. We need to evaluate these different scenarios from a cost standpoint and <br /> what they mean. There are realities of different assumptions for each one (1) in terms of private <br /> owner developer plans. There is a lot of other adjacent land needing to be unlocked for each of <br /> these station locations. <br /> I <br /> Council President Scott opened the floor to public comment from the Administration. <br /> Mayor Pete Buttigieg,Mayor of the City of South Bend with offices on the 14th floor of the County- <br /> City Building, stated, First of all, I would like to thank the team from AECOM for all the analysis <br /> that went into this. The full report and technical documentation has been circulated and I think it <br /> has been made available online too. This is the first time I've seen it in this form but we have been <br /> going back and forth with the team a lot. I want to own up to the fact of having publicly said we <br /> had hoped to see this in February. One (1) of the main reasons that it is a few weeks later than that <br /> is because we kept asking questions and they had to continue going back to the study to double <br /> check things with their data.I think it was worth it and would like to thank the Council for weighing <br /> in on the issue because really, it was out of a desire to be responsive to the Council Resolution that <br /> we ask for this study. Obviously there is a ton of information here and, I think as a community,we <br /> will all be taking it in for a little while. I would like to share some of my main takeaways that I see <br /> in it before others from the community share theirs. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.55671 <br /> 8 <br />