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April 9, 2007 Community and Economic Development Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 4 <br />procedures are in place. Mr. Meyer stated that he is confident that the under the new <br />systems which are in place that "there is a zero chance of another embezzlement". He <br />noted that he believes that it is "time to move on"; noting that there are differences a# <br />opinions. DTSB sees the downtown as the core of the city and its economic engine. It <br />should be known far its hospitality, safety, and the many services provided by the <br />ambassadors. Mr. Meyer stated that it is appropriate to respond to the Council <br />Members concerns and is open to questions. He added that many members of the <br />Board are present who broadly represent the community. Each are "committed <br />emo#ionally and economically". <br />Counci[ Member Dieter noted that a letter was sent to Mr. Meyer dated Apri[ 4t" <br />requesting specific information and would like an update. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that he would like to hear feedback from the Council. Upon further <br />questioning by Council Member Dieter, Mr. Meyer stated that he would have the <br />information requested in that letter in a week. <br />Dr. Varner stated that he would like to see a detailed budget for 2007 rather than just <br />the proposed fiscal plan. He noted that an "enormous amount of money is handed off <br />with precious little oversight". In acknowledging the presence of many of the Board of <br />Director members and the interim Directors, he questioned the policy of utilizing <br />property to pay off debts and requesting copies of the Board's authorization to do so. <br />Dr. Varner stated that he preferred that the monies be in the hands of the City subject to <br />specific appropriations, and that this was not a reflection on the people standing here <br />today. With regard to the civil actions, Dr. Varner suggested that a 1099 Miscellaneous <br />Income form be given to the former DTSB employee so that the IRS could review the <br />situation. He also questioned the various amounts charged for accounting fees of <br />$29,000 and $30,000, <br />Someone in the audience noted that a 1099 has already been sent. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that a budget is predicated on the sources of income. He stated that <br />he could not address the 2004 accounting fees today; however the 2006 accounting <br />fees included the evaluation process related to the embezzlement. <br />Council Member Kelly hoped that there would be as much money recovered as <br />possible. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that $50,000 has been received from their insurance company and <br />they hope to garnish any future wages which the former employee may have, noting <br />that this may be a challenge. <br />Council Member Kelly noted that this has become a $150,000 lesson. <br />