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April 9, 2007 Community and economic ©evelopment Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 5 <br />Council Member White thanked Council Member Dieter and the Committee for "pulling <br />the meeting together". She stated that she believes that Board oversight is critical and <br />that there must be a proper check in balance in place. She hopes that the questions <br />presented to DTSB will be addressed so that the Council may have further discussion; <br />and thanked Mr. Meyer far coming to the committee meeting. <br />Council Member Kirsits questioned the process in giving out contracts such as that for <br />the ambassador program to an out-of-state company. He noted that he believes that <br />many of those services have been done in the past by city personnel and believes that <br />many of them could be done today. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that they sent out for bids and that three (3) were received. He noted <br />that the scope of services is substantially different, and that the Board made the final <br />decision. <br />Council Member Pfeifer stated that she agrees with much of what has been said by the <br />Council Members, and that perhaps there needs to be another executive session of the <br />Council. The Council needs more information to that adjustments can be made and so <br />the Council can determine "what part we should play". She noted that she has seen <br />many very positive changes in the downtown and is very appreciative of them. She <br />noted that the community also enjoys such things as Art Beat and many are wondering <br />if it will continue. The West Washington Neighborhood is in the downtown and she <br />does not "want the baby thrown out with the bath water". <br />Mr. Meyers stated that they are "getting hard pressed with vendors" Hating that TIF, <br />voluntary BID money and capital budget monies have funded them in the past, <br />Council Member Dieter stated that he does not want any misconception that the <br />Common Council is against DTSB; rather the Council is in need of more information in <br />light of the many questions which have been raised. <br />The Council Attorney noted that the Council is unable to initiate an appropriation <br />ordinance of this type. <br />Council Member Kelly stated that he appreciates hearing what has happened, noting <br />that it is vital that things happen downtown. <br />Council Member White inquired about the time frame which DTSB has under their <br />current funding and what contacts they have made with businesses. <br />Mr, Meyer stated that Memorial Hospital has agreed to give $75,000 as their voluntary <br />bid for this year, and that they are the biggest contributor. They should be able to <br />operate until mid to late Summer. He noted that fetters have gone out to over 300 <br />persons and that many individual meetings began last week. Common themes include: <br />