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April 9, 2DQ7 Community and Economic ©evelopment Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 3 <br />Council Member Dieter called for a report from the Department of Community and <br />Economic Development on Bill No. 0755. <br />Bob Mathia noted that the petitioner qualifies for the requested five (5} year residential <br />real property tax abatement with the details being set forth in the report which he has <br />combined with the information on Bill No. 07-54. <br />Violet Blosser of Habitat for Humanity noted they are very excited to move forward with <br />both housing projects which should be completed by November. <br />Na one from the public spoke in favor ar in opposition to the Bill. <br />Council Member Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Council Member White that Bill <br />No. D7-55 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />U date Downtown South Bend DTSB - Paut Me er Chair arson DTSB Board of <br />Diirectors: <br />Council Member Dieter noted that the 6th item on the Committee's agenda was to <br />receive an update on Downtown South Bend {DTSB} by Paul Meyer, Board <br />Chairperson. He noted that the Council has asked several questions of Mr. Meyer <br />through a recent letter and have also requested several documents of him. Today's <br />meeting is to receive updates from Mr. Meyer and to have the Committee asked <br />additional questions. There will be no public input on this topic today, with additional <br />meeting (s} being scheduled as needed. He Hated that two {2} Executive Sessions <br />have been held by the Council with information from those meetings being confidential. <br />Mr. Paul Meyer, DTSB, Inc. Chairperson, thanked the Committee for the opportunity to <br />come and address the Committee, noting that he had originally requested to come <br />before the Committee of the Whole. <br />He then asked Marco Mariam to pass out amulti-page handout (copy attached) which <br />addressed six {6) items: DTSB Strategic Plan Overview; 1=financial Control Actions <br />taken in response to embezzlement; Recent letter to Downtown Business and Property <br />owners and attached Accountability Report; DTSB Parade Grant program-3 year <br />history; DTSB Ribbon Cuttings for new downtown establishments; and International <br />Downtown Association consulting report. <br />Mr. Meyer stated that he does not believe that he would be here today but for the <br />embezzlement.. DTSB has been in operation for the past four (4} years and he believes <br />that the downtown is better today as a result. He noted that the amount of the alleged <br />embezzlement is $2D4,54D. The person charged has admitted to the embezzlement <br />and the forgery and that they are attempting to recover as much as possible. He noted <br />that this incident has damaged the credibility of DTSB. He stated that the Board's <br />oversight was inadequate and that a new accounting firm has been hired and new <br />