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health and Pub~i~ safety ar~r~jttee <br />~ctobe~ 3, ~0~~ <br />Page <br />Dr. Varner stated that he believes that the proposal has been introduced with the "best <br />of intentions". He inquired about the number of pror~otions the proposed system would <br />address and was advised that it would be seven ~~}, <br />Dr. darner stated that "openness and fairness" must be benchmarks of a systr~ far it to <br />work. He questioned why only one ~~} n~en~ber of the police department would sit on <br />the baard and why that position was the only one suggested to have term limits. Ho <br />noted that the City Administration cores to the Council to establish a system and the <br />"takes the Corn~on Council out of the equation"~ He stressed the need far equity and <br />seeking the rnast qualified applicants. He further noted that Pat Bauer should change <br />the state law to the tap two ~} tiers of the police administration instead of the tap three <br />~} being within the Mayor's domain, He Hated that these are his preliminary <br />observations and that he does not see any reason to "act on this real soon'. <br />Citizen Member Pamela Brunette voiced concerns about testing; inquired have other <br />Indiana police departments were addressing thin and have the officers were feeling <br />about the proposal, <br />Chief Kautz stated that IPSP, Inc provides serrrices far Evansville and 1P. He stated <br />that it depends on how long an officer has been on the department with the younger <br />officers appearing to be mare receptive. <br />Council Member Iluhite suggested that all questions which are not addressed today <br />should be sent to the Council Attorney o that they can be then all sent to Chief l='autz <br />for comment. <br />Council Member Pfeifer stated that she agrees that their needs to be a fair process, <br />She voiced concern over lotting a person on the police department with same thing in <br />his~her background, and then when it is time for promotion that that item in higher <br />background is used against the officer. Council Member Pfeifer also Hated concern <br />aver written testing since many tests are set up far a person to fail; and that all types of <br />persons who have many different strengths should be selected. She stated that there <br />should be no bias at all in the testing and the`people siCill" should be a key and equal <br />component, slang with being able to communicate, <br />Council Member Dieter stated that in the draft proposal he believes the 15°l~ far the <br />written examination to be "way too lows', although he understands the concerns raised <br />by Council Mer~ber Pfeifer. He Hated that a person can have good "street sense" skills, <br />and would agree with her an that concept. Council Member Dieter questioned why a <br />process of discussion with the union like that which tank place with the dire <br />Administration and the fire union over several months did Hat take place with the police <br />