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Health and ~u~l~c Safety ~or~n~~tt~~ <br />~ctobar ~, Q~7 <br />Pala 4 <br />Cauncil Member White then asl~ed far any camments in apparition to the proposed <br />ardinance, <br />Eugene Byster of FOP Ladge Nan ~ then read a statement in opposition on behalf of <br />the Ladge's Executive Baard and the Lazar Management Ca~mittee, Hating that the <br />Lodge aauld Hat endarse the prapoal at this time ~apY attached} <br />Janes Evans of ~ Eastrnont Drive questianed vuhat the urgency was to pass such <br />an ardinance, He stated that he understands that the Chief is leering and daes not <br />believe the city should be in such a hurry. <br />~'rina Rabinson, NrCP President ,asked "VUhy nor'?" She stated that "the playing <br />field has never been level", She questianed the pracess from Carporal to Captain, <br />Hating that the system eras "ideal far v~rhite candidates vuha are at certain levels of their <br />careers but for the restthere vas na opportunity far advancement", She asked: <br />e Iho ~rould be the testers? <br />~ 'Ullho ~rould be on the can~mittee~ <br />• shy are only Lieutenants and sergeants being addressed? <br />She Hated that the prapased system ~rauld be under the jurisdiction of a near Police <br />Chief, vuha wauid Hat have input into the system, She stated that it eras her <br />understanding that pran~otions ~rre being made fvr positions v~rhioh were not yet <br />vacant. She suggested that the process must b representative of the community, <br />Chief I~aut~ stated that he sent n email on g~-~~ ~~~ to ffiaer Ru~kav~ski and Dieter <br />advising them of the forrxration for discussions that an a~14-a~ an email vuent out <br />informing officers Rus~kov~ski and Dieter of meeting scheduled far g-g6-07 for the <br />development of a pramotian system; that on a~~ ~-a~ Captain 111landa Shock sent an <br />email; and that he met Frith Council Member U1~hite and Council President ~~t~and <br />ave then an avervieuu earlier this year. f '~~~.~~~rf~~, <br />g ~.. <br />4 ~' ~, <br />V "Y.. i~.. ti.. <br />Council Member Il~hite stated that she std the overvievu u~rhich the Chief gave vuas <br />over lunch and that she specifically stated that she had concerns about the prapasal <br />and asked that the Chief get back to them before filing a proposed Bill addressing <br />pramations, <br />Mr. Bodnar stated that the Board of Public Safety has been noting upon requested <br />tendered by the Chief. He stated that the City Administration had hailed that the paliae <br />promotion process b in plane by September, in light of the "flaad of retirements" <br />carving up. <br />