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~ea~th and P~b~ic a~~ty Cor~r~itt~~ <br />Octnb~r 3, 2DD? <br />~~e <br />Mr~ Bodnar stated that the process utilised by the fire department eras related to labor <br />negotiatians and their labor~n~anagement tearr~. He stated that he believes that "it is <br />unprecedented and open to legal attack". The ordinance route on promotions i a much <br />better vuay to rove for~rard and "is much safer". <br />Council Member Pfeifer stated that she vuas Hat talking about "street sense"a but u~as <br />talking about "people skills' and officers v~ho have them and hair valuable they are. <br />Council Member I~Uhite stated that many goad questions have been raised today and <br />mucf~ more information i needed by the Committee noting that many people have <br />questions about the proposed testing and v~ho ~vould be the raters, etc, <br />Citizen Mer~ber Deborah Fleming requested copies of South Bend's police promotion <br />ordinance vuhich it had in effect in the late ~ h`a's, as yell as copies of the Evansville <br />and Fort Layne police promotion ordinances, <br />Council Member Uvhite noted that she has repeatedly asked about recruitment efforts <br />during annual budget hearings. She noted concern that because the rninarity <br />population is so sr~all to begin pith there nay be an "adverse impact". She stressed <br />the need far "ail officers at all levels to have the opportunity for advancement", She <br />stated that there needs to be more time to lank at the Adr~inistration' proposal. <br />In response to a question from the Council Attorney, Chief Fautz stated that he does not <br />intend to hire a Merit Board Coordinator like the city had in the past and that IPSP, Inc <br />vuauld handle such duties. <br />Council Member III#hite stated that building relationships is critical, along Frith having <br />relevant information. She Hated that similar issues are present at the upper-level <br />ranks, <br />Chief Fautz Hated thatthere are fourteen ~4~ people in the upper~level ranks. <br />Juanita Dempsey, a member of the Board of Public Safety stated that she believes that <br />individual officers "need to step up to the plate and meet the testing and training <br />requirer~ents. <br />Council Member vvhite thanked everyone far their input, She then stated that the next <br />meeting on Bill lVo. 47-U~ v~ill be vvedneday, October 4, X007 at p,n~. <br />Council Member 1lvhite also announced that the Youth Council gill be meeting t ~ pm <br />an October ~ ~, ~Dg~ in the Council's lnforral Meeting Paam. <br />