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City Clerk Fowler stated,I was also thinking maybe the Administration,during the budget process, <br /> could maybe come up with a list of things that aren't funded anymore. One (1) of the initiatives <br /> for home repairs didn't get funding. But that is good to know because if people think we do have <br /> funding,it would be good to know that we don't because it also helps us budget. I would like a list <br /> of things that have historically been funded that will not be funded moving forward into the next <br /> budget cycle. <br /> Alkeyna Aldridge, Director of Economic Empowerment with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, It was a program that traditionally ran out of CDBG dollars. <br /> James Mueller, Executive Director of Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated,The issue isn't about getting the money as it is more about the timing <br /> of getting the money. So this gar's Federal dollars won't come until September, which is not <br /> convenient for doing home repairs during the home repair season. <br /> City Clerk Fowler stated, That would be good for the Council and the citizens to know so they <br /> aren't thinking it isn't funded anymore. <br /> Committee Chair White then stated, A meeting has been scheduled for the analysis on the <br /> residential market potential for Wednesday,March 21St. The Administration has reached out to me <br /> with that information.It will be at 5:30 p.m. It is going to be in the full Council Chambers. <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, This is the market study that we headed up last summer. We started up <br /> engagement in the fall and this is the final report. What we are looking to get from this report is <br /> the housing demand in different neighborhoods by housing types, income levels and we are hoping <br /> to address the resources and strategy moving forward. This is just an informational meeting. <br /> Ms. Aldridge stated, There will be a follow-up meeting on the opportunities for engagement on <br /> the following Thursday night at the library. <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, The incremental development workshop will be this Friday. They are looking <br /> more at the small-scale zoning and where there could be miniscule improvements to facilitate <br /> positive changes with small development. <br /> Miscellaneous <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to discussion to members of the Committee and <br /> Council. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I have just two (2) things. I know this will be later on but I would <br /> like an update on the mentorship grass-cutting program for the City.We need to talk to Community <br /> Investment and Parks to see how that is going. It had a great last summer. The other thing is we <br /> need to address how close individuals can park to the end of the driveway. We've had issues where <br /> people get parked in. <br /> 4 <br />