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that. The 6th District will be visited in May and the 1St District in June. We will then look at a <br /> location within each of those districts. We will end with coffee and then have some feedback. We <br /> will have representatives from the Administration come with us. I said a little bit earlier, for some <br /> individuals,they may not have visited their whole district and this would be a great opportunity to <br /> do so. I think everyone wants to live in a clean and safe neighborhood. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, A lot of stuff happened last ye like hurricanes and such. A lot of <br /> AEP people were pulled to focus on those situations and they did not do a portion of the 11t and <br /> 2nd Councilmanic Districts for Light-Up South Bend last year. They are going to do it this ye . <br /> We met with Maggie Betz, as she is the new liaison person for AEP. We also met with Public <br /> Works and Engineering. They are on schedule to start that and they will let us know when. They <br /> will double up to play catch up. We looked at the 3rd and 6th Councilmanic Districts as well. There <br /> was definitely more need in those areas and then we will move to the 4th and the 5th Councilmanic <br /> Districts after that. We will do some kick-off press announcements as well. As of today, they say <br /> we have a need for three hundred and fifty (350). These are usually in the residential areas. <br /> He went on,Engineering will take input as well. What they do is they go out and they will actually <br /> map the lumen radius of each light to see how far it goes.Before that,we didn't even have a policy. <br /> It was just whoever complained got a light and whoever didn't say anything didn't get a light. <br /> Now, City Engineering is going out and measuring this. They have a GIS map with all the lights <br /> on it and that might be available to the public. I know they had been talking about it. <br /> Committee Chair White then stated,We will also be talking about curbs and sidewalks.Those will <br /> be addressed on our walking tours. We will be working closely with Administration on that. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I've been driving the bus routes to see where the stops are and they <br /> did not do a good job. I have one (1)that moved to be right after a stoplight. There are even some <br /> right before roundabouts. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, If you could put something together, that would be great. I <br /> am talking with people on TRANSPO and we will come make a presentation in April. <br /> Committeemember Jo M.Broden stated,I think there is a lot of energy in the neighborhoods about <br /> these placements of these bus stops. If there is a way to identify these locations and actually <br /> pinpoint it on a map, that would be beneficial. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I want to show examples and I was wanting to go to TRANSPO to <br /> be honest. Councilmember Broden is right because this is something we need to look at. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, There needs to be a formal presentation and formal feedback. I <br /> would prefer to have that here because people know where to find us. They may not know where <br /> TRANSPO is. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, Council members should start looking in their districts too, prior <br /> to that meeting. <br /> 3 <br />