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Committeemember Broden stated, Something quick to get on everyone's radar is the transitional <br /> supportive housing percent,statewide,is two percent(2%).I think somewhere around 55,000 units <br /> are needed. I think that is a challenge and an opportunity for our community as we look to address <br /> supporting individuals. Another one (1), related to curbs and sidewalks, is street width and <br /> individuals parking on sidewalks and curbs. There are some neighborhoods that still have those <br /> issues. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, What I would like to see, if possible, to look at our City by <br /> neighborhood, district, problem. A layman person should be able to look at it and know exactly <br /> how much money is being spent and where. We should be able pinpoint everything like that. <br /> District-wide and neighborhood-wide because the closer people can get to interpret the budget of <br /> where they live, the more they feel they have ownership. If we could take that concept, I think it <br /> gives a better understanding of what we do. <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, We are working to do that for our TIF dollars for sure, but it is a little more <br /> complicated if we are talking about everything, specifically utilities. If someone has a wastewater <br /> treatment plant in their neighborhood and there is a lot of capital spending there,that is still serving <br /> the whole City. <br /> Councilmember Davis stated, And maybe, I mean, more of the general budget. There's other <br /> expense and even that comes a lot of that too. Let's play with that in our head and then see where <br /> we are. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, I would like some updates and the connection of those plans to <br /> neighbors and the neighbors themselves. We need to go back and check those things. I would also <br /> like to know how many people are participating in, or are involved in, an active neighborhood <br /> group. Are there areas of our City that are not organized?I would like some kind of understanding <br /> of that. Then, if that's not a great vehicle, can we go in a different direction or an enhanced <br /> direction? <br /> Committee Chair White stated,I think changes in leadership can affect the progress of these things. <br /> Mr. Mueller stated, We are working to come up with figuring out where we are with the plans. <br /> Generally, when a plan is over ten (10) years old, it needs to be revisited and updated. We are <br /> trying to figure out how to do that with our limited funding. We can only implement so many plans <br /> at a time so we are trying to come up with that for you. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, March 19th we will have a meeting to have an update on CSO and <br /> sewer issues. That starts at 5:00 p.m. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to the public. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, turned into the Clerk's Office a list of priorities she would like <br /> to see worked on and implemented. She stated, On the walking tours, you could recruit people <br /> from Neighborhood watch. We need to locate the problem dump areas. We need to identify safe <br /> places with those yellow signs for kids. The home repair needs to work with Real Services. We <br /> 5 <br />