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neighborhoods and citizens. Many have responded and have shared that appreciation. We really <br /> want to thank the Community Investment staff as they made sure this budget reflected those major <br /> Quality of Life issues we have been discussing for quite some time. The 2018 Budget Summary <br /> discussion page is online. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis arrived at the meeting at 4:07 p.m. <br /> Committee Chair White continued, That is good information and is very precise. If I were an <br /> average citizen, I think I would understand this very well because of how it has been presented. <br /> City Clerk Kareemah Fowler, with offices on the 4th floor of the County-City Building, stated, <br /> That sheet is not by itself online. It is within the Annual Report for the Department of Community <br /> Investment. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, I know City Controller Hockenhull created that and I used that out <br /> in the public as it was very helpful. We will also begin to look at Light-Up South Bend. A lot of <br /> good work has come out of that. I don't know if the Administration has heard from the EPA in <br /> regards to Beck's Lake. We are open to more opportunities and the work that will be before us. I <br /> do see some overlapping with other Committees. We will also be focusing on synthetic drugs. It <br /> was brought to our attention last year that our community, specifically our youth, is affected by <br /> this issue. We've had a number of community forums. This Council passed the extension of our <br /> chronic nuisance ordinance to address this particular issue. From those forums, it was clear that it <br /> was time for a call to action. We have all this information and we need to get this information out. <br /> We need to be sure the youth and citizens are aware of this issue. From a follow-up meeting that <br /> was held on February 28th,2018,we had excellent conversation and a lot of feedback. We are now <br /> able to divide up into different Committees and we came up with a theme for this issue and it is <br /> `Not In Our Community.' The Administration has been a part of this as well as Law Enforcement <br /> and the media. We are not tolerating this activity in our community. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, This is a big problem. We are looking at the numbers. There <br /> were over 1,700 overdoses admitted to Beacon, last year,which involved synthetic marijuana. We <br /> have to look at this and make an impact. The group of leaders involved with this want to actually <br /> make that impact. <br /> City Clerk Fowler stated, It was a really good meeting and I echo the sentiments already made. It <br /> was a good meeting with a lot of good takeaways. We came away with action items that were <br /> assigned to various people. The group of leaders is a good and diverse group. There is a lot of low- <br /> hanging fruit when it comes to things we can do with the students and with strengthening our <br /> ordinances. We are working with the Administration,the Health Department and the Prosecutor's <br /> Office as we all play a part in addressing this issue. <br /> Committee Chair White stated,Along with all this,we will continue with our neighborhood tours. <br /> We will start with the 3rd Councilmanic District. I am looking at April and more than likely it will <br /> be on a Saturday. The goal is to have members from the various neighborhood associations in <br /> those districts along with Council members as well as the key stakeholders from those districts. <br /> The reason I'm first looking at the 3rd District is because Light-Up South Bend will overlap with <br /> 2 <br />