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three (3) or four (4) of the addresses were magically fixed and AT&T claimed they hadn't done <br /> anything yet. This data is changing and AT&T is claiming they are not making any changes so that <br /> is what concerns me. Is our PSAP software doing something wrong? I don't know where those <br /> data sources coming from. I know it is very complicated. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, There are a lot of pieces but one (1) of them is a file that has the addresses that <br /> are associated that get sent to 9-1-1 and AT&T. There is some level of work that needs to be done <br /> to maintain those up to date. There is an issue that sometimes the billing address could be in. <br /> Committeemember Campau interjected, Is there a data import issue, potentially? <br /> Mr. Garces replied, I don't want to comment on it because I am not aware of the specifics. There <br /> are a lot of pieces that are at play. There is a standard format to this. <br /> Committeemember Campau stated, I have yet to have AT&T tell me why they are changing. They <br /> keep saying they are making the correct changes but they are not. I will tell them to do it four (4) <br /> times in a row and it won't get changed. Or they make it worse. I just don't know where the <br /> problem lies. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, I know the Mayor is putting a lot of pressure on AT&T to be sure they get <br /> they're part right. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated, This is serious stuff and I will be talking to the Mayor about this. <br /> He and I have not connected. I want to get a weekly update until it gets resolved. Safety is crucial <br /> and we all know that. I also may have a way into AT&T. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, This week, we have the vendor of the software on site working with our GIS <br /> teams both in the City and the County. That is a four(4) day all-hands meeting so hopefully a lot <br /> of these issues get resolved. There are so many pieces that can go wrong. <br /> Committeemember Barbour asked, Will AT&T be there? <br /> Clerk Fowler stated, I think we should be able to get someone from AT&T at that meeting. <br /> Committeemember Barbour stated, This is an issue of public safety. <br /> Committeemember Campau stated, All the AT&T techs I talk to say it's an important issue and <br /> that they've submitted changes but then I go back and check and nothing has changed. <br /> Committeemember Barbour stated, They are in violation of their contract if they are unable to <br /> provide accurate 9-1-1 information. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, The Mayor has been talking with AT&T to the highest people available. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated, Well, if it is not fixed today then it is a problem. <br /> 4 <br />