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Councilmember Karen White stated, I think it is a serious issue. I think this is number one (1) of <br /> all the items you listed. When we think about public safety and the current environment, what <br /> would we say if the mistake is on us? <br /> Committeemember Campau stated, About one (1) year ago, we turned up a bunch of new phone <br /> numbers for the South Bend schools. I had to provide a list of addresses that correspond to each <br /> phone number and it has been a problem to keep those updated. It seemed to all have sparked with <br /> the changing of the name for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. That is where our main admin <br /> building is located and AT&T may have just defaulted to that address. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated, My concern is how wide-spread this issue is. I asked Ray this and <br /> even he is not sure with GIS and New World software. He then went around the Committee to see <br /> if anyone had any other comments. <br /> Clerk Fowler stated,We have a working list of things and all is going well. We are getting charging <br /> stations as well as the mobile equipment. We are looking to update our copiers. We have to follow <br /> up on the YouTube quality and now we have the new cameras,we are going to follow up on that. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated, I want to do a training for Council members on Laiserfiche. I know <br /> Dr. Varner is going to turn back in his surface. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, We are piloting a new program City-wide for all employees. We conducted a <br /> survey first to see what types of IT skills employees are looking to receive. We just launched a <br /> program where we train thirty(30)people across almost all Departments. This will be available to <br /> all employees including Council members. It will be demand-based. The response rate was great. <br /> Committee Chair Scott then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak on matters <br /> related to the Information and Technology Committee for the year 2018. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, I'd like to give some enlightenment on the PSAP. When <br /> all the call centers combined,they didn't all enter their addresses the same way. So, some of them <br /> might have put Dr. for drive and others. The data integrity is compromised. <br /> Committee Chair Scott interjected, We know, and that is what we are going through now. It is <br /> down to the GIS talking to the software of which they are dealing with and there seems to be a <br /> problem with that. <br /> With no further business, Committee Chair Scott adjourned the Information and Technology <br /> Committee Organizational meeting at 5:03 p.m. <br /> b 'tted, <br /> Tim Scott, Chairperson <br /> 5 <br />