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pulled, neighbors called 9-1-1, they all took off, and 9-1-1 had the wrong address for the house <br /> that called in. We are having GIS issues which Ray explained to me but I think we need to dial <br /> into that. I know Mishawaka is helping out too but there is something with GIS. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, There is a combination of setup issues and process issues. We have Rene who <br /> is the Director of Applications. There is a Director of GIS and Data Management and then I think <br /> there is another Application Developer working hands-on with New World software.We have also <br /> been trying to work on the backend to help the County improve their process. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated,I commend you guys for all the extra work you guys are doing with <br /> that. The next thing I would like to discuss is a brief update on the new City website rollout. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, We had done an initial assessment with the South Bend Code School. We are <br /> trying to have the initial design work done independently from the group that is going to build it. <br /> We have gotten some great feedback from the Council and the community to be sure the new <br /> website is inclusive to the needs of everyone, specifically elderly and disabled folks. We are under <br /> agreement with Pathfinders to design and build the new website.They are currently in that process <br /> and I think by June or May of this year we should see the new website. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated, Great. Next, I would like to discuss training. We have the new <br /> Smartboard and we will be training Councilmembers on all that technology. <br /> Clerk Fowler stated, The vendor will come back and train on the Smartboard free of charge as that <br /> is part of the purchase agreement. There are other things, too, that the Council need to be trained <br /> on. <br /> Miscellaneous <br /> Committee Chair Scott opened the floor to the Committee for further discussion. <br /> Committeemember Derrik Campau stated, I've just been trying to make sure the 9-1-1 issues are <br /> not the fault of our own PSAP Center. I think they truly are AT&T's fault. <br /> Committee Chair Scott stated, It seems like we have an AT&T and a New World software issue. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, It is very complex how that works. We need to make sure nothing falls through <br /> the cracks and all the pieces are in place correctly. <br /> Committeemember Charles Barbour stated,Well,and especially schools because right now I can't <br /> think of anything much worse than not being able to get emergency personnel to the correct school <br /> if something, God forbid, would happen. My daughter is a senior at Adams and my son is a <br /> freshman and they've had all manners of threats. <br /> Committeemember Campau stated, The thing that really scares me is Dianna Scott ran a report <br /> one week ago and found that nineteen (19) or twenty (20) of our sites were showing incorrect <br /> addresses. It was showing an address for one (1) of our admin buildings. Then four(4) days later, <br /> 3 <br /> i <br /> i <br />