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REGULAR MEETING November 13, 2017 <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked the HPC if the building was historically designated <br /> before Mr. Boyd took it on, to which Ms. Feasel responded that it was. Councilmember Dr. <br /> Varner stated that Mr. Boyd had in the past provided plans for a complete roof, to which Ms. <br /> Feasel responded that though Mr. Boyd stated that it was a complete roof, it was not actually a <br /> complete roof. Councilmember Dr. Varner asked if the HPC's legal obligation is to deny a COA <br /> if an element of a property is deemed inappropriate, to which Ms. Feasel responded that it was. <br /> Ms. Feasel added, If a complete roof in this shape is inappropriate,then a half-roof in that shape <br /> is probably even more inappropriate. Councilmember Dr. Varner then asked if the St. Joseph <br /> County Building Department could supersede the HPC's authority and overrule their decision, to <br /> which Ms. Ecker responded it could not. Councilmember Dr. Varner asked the same question to <br /> Council Attorney Bob Palmer,who echoed Ms. Ecker. <br /> IVA—Question from Councilmember Jo M. Broden: <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked Mr. Boyd if his proposal could be broken down into the <br /> following three (3) asks: the roofing of half of the building, an additional mono roof in the rear, <br /> and an open courtyard. <br /> Mr. Boyd responded that that was correct. <br /> IV.e—Questions from Councilmember Randy Kelly: <br /> Councilmember Randy Kelly asked Mr. Boyd, In your opinion, sir, what about the HPC's <br /> actions are specifically arbitrary, capricious, or an abuse of their discretion? <br /> Mr. Boyd responded that the HPC has the option to regard the totality of the situation and take <br /> into account the applicant's hardship. He stated that in denying him a COA, the HPC has <br /> effectively stated that they do not acknowledge his hardship. <br /> Councilmember Kelly stated that just as the HPC has the option to grant a COA in cases of <br /> hardship,they also have the option to deny it. This, Councilmember Kelly argued, is not <br /> necessarily arbitrary or capricious or an abuse. <br /> Mr. Boyd responded, My understanding is that,behind the scenes, my interaction with <br /> Community Investment was that they were willing to pay for a portion of the flat roof, but they <br /> were instructed by the HPC not to fund the project. So, I'm really confused as to if it's the roof <br /> we're fighting over, or is there a deeper issue? <br /> IV.f=Questions from Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston: <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston asked the HPC what the nature of the communication <br /> between them and DCI was regarding the funding of the roof. <br /> Ms. Feasel stated that she had had many email exchanges with Jacob Alexander of DCI and in <br /> none of them did she presume to have any sway over their decision-making. She stated that she <br /> only ever spoke on the merits of the HPC's meetings and the reasons behind their decisions. <br /> Ms. Ecker echoed Ms. Feasel's statement. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated that she would like to hear a statement from Jacob <br /> Alexander on the matter. She stated that she was concerned about the fact that the HPC sent out <br /> their meeting notice the Wednesday before their Monday meeting, leaving two (2) business days <br /> for the receipt of the notice by Mr. Boyd. Councilmember Williams-Preston stated that she has <br /> never seen an important document arrive in two (2) days with guarantee. She then asked the HPC <br /> what exactly was mailed to Mr. Boyd. <br /> Ms. Feasel responded that they mailed an agenda and a staff report pertaining to his particular <br /> project. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated that she has concerns about the procedures in place, <br /> regarding communicating in a timely manner with applicants. She also stated that it was also <br /> concerning that a permit was issued mistakenly. <br /> 15 <br />